
Digital Interactive Interface for Video & Audio, Silicon Image, Synerchip, HDMI, DiiVA This DiiVA demands your attention

What if you were given a do-over on a completed project? You’d make it better, make it future-proof, maybe beat the boss at his own game.

The founders of Digital Interactive Interface for Video & Audio Consortium have gotten their mulligan. DiiVA backers and key staffers at home network specialist Synerchip, which has implemented the DiiVA interface in silicon, include Silicon Image alums who have reinvented the 10 year-old HDMI connectivity standard as an agile networking spec.

DiiVA pairs a bidirectional data channel (Ethernet and USB protocols) and a high-quality, uncompressed audio and video channel, with power carried over the same cable. The spec defines a “routable architecture” so that content and commands can be sent from any endpoint source device to any network display.

HDMI, by contrast, is a point-to-point interface—connecting a Blu-ray player and a TV, for example—that lacks a data channel. “HDMI is a 10-year-old legacy standard. Many things in the world have changed” since it was written, says Steve Yum, president of DiiVA Licensing LLC and an alumnus of HDMI pioneer Silicon Image.

Over the past 18 months, Chinese TV manufacturers including Haier, Hisense, Changhong, TCL and Panda have rallied around DiiVA. Chinese companies have long sought an alternative to HDMI that would allow them some measure of control over the spec. But it would be shortsighted to write off DiiVA as just another China-only standard designed to avoid HDMI royalty payments.

With DiiVA having earned the backing of both Chinese vendors and the government, CE vendors outside China are giving DiiVA an audience. In June, LG Electronics and Samsung submitted several TV models to the DiiVA Authorized Test Center in Guangzhou, China. Both passed the full DiiVA Compliance Test.

Are the South Korean vendors designing their DiiVA TVs specifically designed for sale in China?

Click here to read the full story at EE Times Confidential
Digital Interactive Interface for Video & Audio, Silicon Image, Synerchip, HDMI, DiiVA This DiiVA demands your attention

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