


  一直以来,翡翠市场都潜伏着“四大杀手”.所谓的“四大杀手”是指“水沫子”(钠长石玉)、“不倒翁”、“昆究”和“沫之渍”,这4种玉在肉眼观察下,虽和翡翠有着相似的面孔,但玉德和玉性都与高贵的翡翠有着天壤之别,在翡翠贸易行业中从不被认为是翡翠, 并且价值远低于翡翠.





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  新浪收藏讯 由全国工商业联合会古玩商会、北京文化发展基金会、新疆文物商店联合主办的《首届和田玉、翡翠精品大联展》将于2012年5月1日上午10点在北京音像大厦——北京东方紫荆茶城二层隆重开幕。展览截至5月7日。



  和田玉目前有两个著名的产源:一、从于田县向南,进入昆仑山脉,乃为著名的阿拉斯矿区,最著名的和田玉山料即产于此。二、由和田市往南,沿白玉河溯源而上,盛产籽儿玉,是山流水的源头,中国古籍把昆仑山称为“群玉之山” ——“万山之祖”。《千字文》记载“金身丽水,玉生昆仑”。和田玉按产地不同可分为:籽料、山流水、山料三种类型。此展让玉之爱好者,大饱眼福。伴随此次玉展的同时,还有著名书法家现场挥毫咏玉,以享书法爱好者。



Designer Handbags Reach Record High Average $2,000 Fall 2005 Fashion Designer

Designer Handbags Reach Record High Average ,000 Fall 2005 By
Anna Miller, http://eFashionHouse.com

Shopping in Beverly Hills last week I strolled Wilshire
Boulevard popping in and out of fancy stores sizing up all the
new designer handbags. There are a number of new looks for Fall
2005, and prices have a new look, too. Did you know designer
handbags have become the staple in most wardrobes? It doesn?t
take a genius to buy a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, but to
buy the correct designer handbag to pull it all together
has turn out to be really an art.

In conversations with many handbag salespeople, it was obvious
the upcoming season will supply a variety of wild colors, exotic
leathers, and metallic finished leathers. They will appear in
shoulder styles, clutches, slings and large totes. Most designer
bags stay consistent in size and function. The variations from
season to season come to color, hardware, texture and price.

Costs are a challenging topic for handbag lovers to talk about, it
became the purpose of the Beverly Hills shopping trip. Which
designers will rise to the top? Which handbags will have the
highest cost tags? These thoughts offered astonishing
observations wondering via the high-end boutiques and
department stores.

Doing a bit of mental gymnastics with a few designer handbag
price tags, it became obvious a calculator was required! Costs
are competing with Los Angeles mortgage payments! One designer
bag, constructed of scratch resistant, pebble grain calf
leather, had a hefty 00.00 cost tag. Durability to last a
life time is a key characteristic of a quality handbag, but
let?s get real here, ladies alter handbags as often as they
alter their nail polish. Paying hefty costs for a designer
handbag a few times each month is fashionable, but not healthy
or wise.

Not mentioning any names, a lengthy conversation with a handbag
specialist in a quite nicely-identified department store shed light on
the day?s mission. We strolled the designer handbag department
with calculator in hand. Punching in numbers of our favorite
high-end designer, we came up with a hefty five-figure total for
10 handbags. Then, with jaws dropped open, the average cost was
uncovered! As expected, small was left to shock and surprise.
Based on a sampling of the designer handbag prices, the price
for a brand new, high-end designer handbag this season averages
an all-time high of 00.00 USD.

Oh my! What a price we pay to pull it all together ? that pair
of denim jeans and T-shirt! We have grow to be the hunters in search
of the greatest designer handbag we can uncover. And, when we know it
will coordinate with a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, then we know
we?ve selected the finest bag. We want to look good, and we want
to feel excellent, too. It would be nice to know we can buy a
bag from a new designer and still make a mortgage payment this
very same month.

Here?s a answer. For those of us who know style and don?t want
to compromise high quality, uncover a designer handbag expert to coach
and guide your investments. Lacking modesty, I?ll volunteer
recommendations on a selection of designer handbags offered at a
fraction of what you?d expect to pay in a retail store.

You can really acquire several handbags for the average price
of 1 designer handbag if you shop wisely. If you are a true
designer handbag addict, and you buy a new handbag whenever
you get the urge, then you need a dependable source. Shop
cautiously at websites specializing in designer handbags, and you will
locate your favorite designers at as considerably as 50% less than the
average cost on Rodeo Drive

Designer Handbags Reach Record High Average $2,000 Fall 2005 Fashion Designer