


  快报讯(记者 高红红)“我看到一家古玩店卖的玉镯才几百块钱,真有这么便宜的玉镯?”5月18日,市民苏女士拨打快报热线2159800称,她在逛万光古玩文化城时,发现有些店里卖的玉镯很便宜,本想买一个送给朋友,但是担心质量问题 ,最终还是没有买.

  18日下午两点左右,记者来到万光古玩文化城.在一家玉石店里,柜台里摆放着各种各样的玉镯、玉坠、玉佛等饰品.“玛瑙、水晶、和田玉、翡翠……各种各样的都有 ,你想要哪一种?”老板热情地介绍说.



  “分辨翡翠与和田玉很简单,云南翡翠各种价位的都有 ,几百元到上百万元不等,价格越高,品质越好.”该工作人员说,每一款玉石一般都会有鉴定证书,但是现在的鉴定证书也并不都具有权威性,人们购买珠宝玉石时最好到一些正规的大型珠宝店.

  为普及珠宝知识,增强辨别珠宝玉石的能力,让市民们能够买到更为可靠放心的珠宝玉石,快报将于周日上午9:00到11:30在毓璜顶公园太乙剑坛举办宝石鉴定会,邀请三位国内知名的珠宝鉴定专家现场免费为市民鉴宝,鉴定范围为红蓝宝石、翡翠、和田玉等各种珠宝玉石.您可以带着自己的宝贝到毓璜顶公园找专家进行免费鉴定,届时,如果您有珠宝玉石方面的问题 ,也可以现场向专家咨询.详情可拨打快报热线电话2159800进行咨询.


TAG:古玩店的玉镯几百元起卖 翡翠 翡翠手镯 中国翡翠网 翡翠新闻

Arduino board plugs DIYers into the cloud for $69

Arduino board plugs DIYers into the cloud for $69

SAN MATEO, Calif. – Massimo Banzi launched a $69 board that aims to plug do-it-yourself-ers into the cloud. The Yun is the first of a family of low cost, low power Arduino cards that run Linux and Wi-Fi, surfing the trend toward the Internet of Things.

Yun, named for the Chinese word for cloud, aims to let the average tinkerer link a new Linux gadget to the Web using a simplified browser interface. “We want to make it easy for people to create complex Web apps,” Banzi told a packed crowd at the center stage of the Maker Faire event here.

Yun links to the Web via the Hornet AR9331 Wi-Fi chip from Qualcomm Atheros which supports 2.4 GHz networking and runs a custom distribution of Linux, said Federico Musto who had the idea for the board and did the initial design work. Musto shared his idea with Banzi when the two met by accident on a train in December.

The two now have five products and two separate product families on the Yun road map, including some boards designed to run up to four years on two AA batteries. The first product will be available starting in June.

The board supports client software from Temboo (New York), which includes a library of more than 100 APIs for easing connections to popular Web services including Facebook, Twitter and OAuth. “These technologies have been hard for people to figure out,” said Banzi.

Musto showed a Qualcomm Atheros representative at the Consumer Electronics Show in January an early version of the board based on a reverse engineered smartphone module using the AR9331. A technical director of the company subsequently gave approval to supply the chip for the open source boards.

Banzi (in white) launched Yun to a standing-room only crowd at the Maker Faire center stage.

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