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Le caratteristiche di un Mac

Ormai sono anni che tra gli informatici c’è una guerra aperta infatti ci sono i seguaci di Apple e i fedeli seguaci di Microsoft che cercano appunto di risaltare le qualità di una e l’altra casa produttrice di hardware e software. Ma quali sono le reali differenze tra un Mac e un pc microsoft windows? Partendo dal fatto che parliamo di due sistemi operativi totalmente diversi si dice che i Mac Apple siano ideali per i lavori creativi e soprattutto per far girare programmi pesanti i quali normalmente tendono a bloccare i pc. Un’altra caratteristica dell’Apple è che è molto apprezzata l’interfaccia la quale viene considerata la più intuitiva di tutti i tempi ma non solo per quanto riguarda i pc ma anche per i telefoni non a caso l’iphone 5 è uno dei telefoni più attesi di tutti i tempi. Inoltre per quanto riguarda il Mac si dice sia a prova di virus e a prova di blocco nel senso che è quasi impossibile, nonostante i tanti programmi aperti, che si possa bloccare ecco perché viene consigliato soprattutto a chi deve usare programmi di grafica. Se prendiamo in considerazione tutti questi aspetti viene spontaneo dire che l’apple è sicuramente la scelta migliore per tutti, tuttavia c’è chi sostiene che basta scegliere un buon pc windows, il quale ad un prezzo minore della apple può offrire pari prestazioni, per avere comunque uno strumento affidabile che non ha nulla da invidiare alla mela, quale sarà la verità?

Le caratteristiche di un Mac

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To registered real estate consultants in Dubai has a permission of the Department of Dubai the land and will be capable of guiding it through all the important aspects and legal aspects of the matter. When it have finished with the selection of the consulting real estate in Dubai, can ask his advisor for all the available options, since is the expert to buy, to rent, to sell, property of Dubai. The real estate market of Dubai is back in its trail and in constant increase, the projects of continuous and massive construction in Dubai are visible for all. The real estate market of Dubai is very impulsive since the market is once more is working in the old boss to buy, to rent, to sell, characteristic of Dubai, that is a positive sign for the investors.

It is very simple to invest in the real estate market of Dubai, in quickly growth, as the legal only document is required the agreement of sale. If you have to buy to rent to sell the property of Dubai is very recommendable to hire a professional lawyer or a registered advisor of the property in Dubai to verify and to confirm that all the legal documents itself complete properly signed. It is necessary to revise all the aspects and to buy directly with the desarrollador or a registered advisor of the Dubai property for rent. The development of the market of real estate of Dubai has supplied to its residents with a pile of opportunities to buy or to have a property of rent in Dubai.

The increase in the number of immigrants each year, has enlarged the demand of Dubai property of rent, since this provides an opportunity for the investors to invest in the real estate market of Dubai. It is predicted that the rent properties demand in Dubai itself due to an additional increase by the end of 2011, due to the growing number of visitors and residents each year. The economic recovery, the labor stability has also had a positive impact in the growth of the real estate.

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Sabato 14 e domenica 15 gennaio le migliori saltatrici mondiali a Predazzo
Italia battagliera con Insam, Demetz, D’Agostina e Runggaldier
Due tappe tedesche di Coppa prima della Val di Fiemme
Tante iniziative anche per gli spettatori con “Fiemme in Rosa”

Nei giorni scorsi lo Stadio del Salto “Giuseppe dal Ben” di Predazzo (TN) ha aperto ufficialmente la sua stagione invernale con l’assegnazione dei titoli tricolori di combinata nordica, di salto speciale femminile e di salto speciale e combinata categoria juniores. Si attendevano i risultati dei big e non sono tardati ad arrivare: Alessandro Pittin ed Evelyn Insam si sono laurearti a pieni voti nuovi campioni nazionali rispettivamente di combinata e salto femminile.
Nella gara rosa, l’altoatesina Insam è riuscita a tenersi dietro le rivali Roberta D’Agostina, Lisa Demetz ed Elena Runggaldier, grazie a due salti di 99,5 e 101,5 metri che le hanno permesso di chiudere con ben 50 punti di vantaggio sulla seconda. Quello che tutte le azzurre hanno potuto fare a Predazzo è stato testare il trampolino HS106 della Val di Fiemme, che i prossimi 14 e 15 gennaio le vedrà tutte impegnate nell’unica tappa italiana di Coppa del Mondo, la prima organizzata per quanto riguarda il salto con gli sci al femminile. La CdM 2011/2012 ha preso il via da Lillehammer (NOR) lo scorso 3 dicembre e l’Italia è riuscita a strappare un buon sesto posto con la nuova campionessa italiana, che in rampa è stata la più veloce, ma non altrettanto precisa in salto e atterraggio come la vincitrice, la statunitense Sarah Hendrickson, o le altre Mattel (FRA), Faisst (GER), Iraschko (AUT) e Takanashi (JPN) che l’hanno preceduta.
Il prossimo gennaio, in quello che sarà il primo evento di calibro mondiale nel rinnovato impianto fiemmese (lo stesso che il 4 e 5 febbraio ospiterà anche la Coppa del Mondo di salto maschile e di combinata nordica e nel 2013 il Campionato del Mondo di Sci Nordico), la Insam sarà al via per risalire la classifica provvisoria, così come le altre azzurre Demetz, D’Agostina e Runggaldier, con quest’ultima chiamata a confermarsi grande dopo l’argento di Oslo lo scorso inverno.
Adrenalina e spettacolo saranno a mille in terra trentina tra poco più di due settimane, per due prove (entrambe previste a partire dalle 16.30) dove le migliori saltatrici del mondo provenienti da 16 nazioni non deluderanno nessuna aspettativa. La diciassettenne Hendrickson avrà dalla sua la carica di esser stata la prima vincitrice di una gara di Coppa femminile, e cercherà in tutti i modi di ripetere la prova di Lillehammer, anche se la campionessa del mondo in carica Iraschko e i team di Francia e Germania non resteranno a guardare. Dal trampolino di Predazzo salteranno anche quattro atlete cinesi, al loro debutto assoluto in Coppa del Mondo.
Il programma del fine settimana di metà gennaio in Val di Fiemme prevede numerosi eventi di intrattenimento, che faranno da piacevole contorno alle gare in pista. L’iniziativa “Fiemme in Rosa” sia il sabato che la domenica tingerà l’arena del salto di un unico tono, il rosa per l’appunto, con il pubblico che è invitato ad indossare un qualsiasi indumento di questo colore, per festeggiare le ragazze volanti di tutto il mondo. Non mancheranno poi musica, coreografie di ballo e divertimento per ogni taglia di spettatore. Immediatamente dopo la gara del sabato si terrà la cerimonia di premiazione nel centro di Predazzo con un “Welcome Pink Drink” insieme alle atlete, cui farà seguito una serata di musica dal vivo al Poldo Pub, in compagnia di un trio di sole donne.
Grazie alla collaborazione tra il comitato Nordic Ski Fiemme, ITAS Assicurazioni, l’Unicef, l’Associazione Fondriest for Children e AIL, e le associazioni locali La Voce delle Donne, SportAbili e il Lions Club di Fiemme e Fassa, entrambe le giornate saranno accompagnate da iniziative di solidarietà come la vendita delle bambole “Pigotte” dell’Unicef, per raccogliere fondi da destinare al Reparto di Oncoematologia Pediatrica della Clinica Universitaria di Padova. Il comitato organizzatore e ITAS, inoltre, doneranno 2 euro per ogni spettatore presente allo stadio.
Prima della due giorni di Predazzo, la CdM di salto femminile farà tappa nelle tedesche Schonach e Hinterzarten, i prossimi 6 e 8 gennaio, e la speranza è quella di vedere le ragazze azzurre risalire la provvisoria per poi giungere in Trentino, dove troveranno il pubblico di casa ad accoglierle come si conviene e ad incitarle a gran voce.
Le gare di Coppa femminile, così come le finali di Tour de Ski dei prossimi 7 e 8 gennaio e le prove di Coppa di salto maschile e di combinata nordica di inizio febbraio, sono parte di un calendario premondiale che la Val di Fiemme propone nell’anno che precede i Campionati del Mondo del 2013.
Info: www.fiemme2013.com


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Una delle caratteristiche delle aziende, sia di grandi che di piccole dimensioni, è diventata quella di tenere periodicamente degli incontri, dei meeting di formazione e di aggiornamento o dei workshop nel corso dei quali si fa il punto sulla propria strategia aziendale o si incontrano partner o possibili tali. In quest’ottica ci si rende conto di come questi incontri siano di vitale importanza per un’azienda che non solo voglia essere sempre aggiornata e al passo con i tempi, ma anche intenzionata a rafforzare la propria rete di contatti e quindi le proprie possibilità di sviluppo imprenditoriale. Ecco perché nel corso degli anni il turismo congressuale è diventato una fetta importante del comparto turistico, trasformandosi molto spesso in uno dei punti di forza anche di città solitamente votate al turismo tradizionale. E’ questo ad esempio il caso di Napoli, dove il turismo congressuale ha preso piede solo qualche anno fa, diventando ben presto un elemento di forza per l’intero settore. Chiaramente lo sviluppo di questo particolare e molto specifico settore del turismo ha anche comportato l’adeguamento delle strutture ricettive, hotel e alberghi in primis, che si sono dovuti attrezzare con servizi dedicati e specifici, quali ad esempio sale congressi e in molti casi un ampio centro congressi Napoli. Buona parte degli alberghi napoletani, soprattutto quelli di più grandi dimensioni e più conosciuti, hanno adeguato i propri servizi riuscendo oggi a garantire trattamenti adeguati e accoglienza dedicata a chi viaggia per lavoro o ricerca.

La forza del turismo congressuale a Napoli

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Bags the development and change of market

Brand age comes

As the changes of The Times, the continuous improvement of living standards, people’s consumption psychology also will produce change. Now don’t is the enterprise put in cost produce Hermes Plume product could be profitable times sales. Perhaps now also can be said to be in a the effect of advertisement of times, but it will not be long before, advertising is not lead to the market. As consumer consumption psychology becomes mature, people began to chase the brand, and constantly start in their loyalty that exclusive brand, a brand era began coming. Maybe in the future development, not be a star only use a particular brand, but everyone in the use of his own a particular brand. The word of the brand more and more appear in the consumer market, more and more companies were also began to build the brand, solid brand road. The development of the future market bags is a brand of the development of The Times.

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Now the Hermes Birkinof sales channels have begun to get rid of the past production, wholesale, the sale of three different factories and enterprises of connection. To start a cooperation agency or set production, processing and sales as one of the model. And many enterprises have gradually started to realize that big, extensive product development idea will lose market, the market localization accurate, professional production of bags type with can meet specific occasion consumption need, really reflect bags core value. And now bags &luggage enterprise are starting to take market entities and online shop, two channels, from advertising, sales promotion, public relations, throw in taken into account, and make the overall effective marketing strategy, and products from the market orientation and different life stages, determine the emphasis of the marketing. To achieve the sales channel of the diversification of the profit pattern of maturity.

Management behavior breakthrough

Dealers from the wholesale business to the production and business operation or directly to an agency extends to the began to walk into the ranks of brand management. Now the market competition, no longer is the region for the dispute of, low prices, but a consciousness for the dispute of talent, management, and service for war, the battle of the information, market share wrangling. So they need the operators more and more attention to the Hermes Bags market, pay attention to the message, develop a beneficial to its own development business philosophy. Get rid of enterprise management of vicious competition between, between enterprise and the development of the complementary advantages, sharing resources, in cooperation in the competition and cooperation in the competition, and finally achieve win-win!zhengyiqiong/Jan.blog

Bags the development and change of market

Hermes handbags auction price creats the world record

A few days ago, in the U.S. state of Texas a Dallas public auction, a buyer for us $203150 (converted into renminbi about 1287000 yuan) for a Hermes Bolide, set a world record in the bag bag price.

International online entertainment reported domestic net friend kind called “Mr Ma” LV creative director Marc Jacobs have recently been photographed wearing a black is tight paparazzi vest, portable black Hermes Evelyn platinum bag beach. Let the media amazement as LV creative director Marc Jacobs unexpectedly so generously to the brand rival, in other words is “enemies” performance “sincerity”, but in this expensive platinum bag filled with Marc Jacobs in the sea change of clothes, will look what is big big!!!!! It is reported, the value of us $100000 platinum bag material is luxuriant, metal parts of the details are all platinum build, in addition cortical also crocodile skin, ostrich skin by expensive leather sewing and into.

This by the sparkle of the YanZhiGong alligator handbags into leather, used on the Hermes Kelly by 18 K platinum and diamond carefully build accessories. The person in charge of the auction, said the fund vanity is the world of rare type, although before an auction expected price must not have low, but still beyond the expected Hermes Handbags price auction house.zhengyiqiong/Jan.blog


Hermes handbags auction price creats the world record

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Is bad(chai), many sound words don’t cheap uggs for sale you understand?If I is that the ghost is bad, specialized hears Zhang Qi for the person whom you lead the way, this claims to be the person whom the ghost differs to say."Is the ghost bad?Lead the way for me?Really is that the white is impermanent?"The words that hear him, saying of Zhang Qi surprise."Impermanent eldest brother?I be not, impermanent eldest brother he just can’t because you especially the idea run a , I, just a help ghost leads the way of the ghost is just bad."But when this person finish saying this sentence, Zhang Qi can not help yelling a , " ghost?Is difficult to arrive me to say, Zhang Qi this just discovers ownly and nearby, in addition to oneself unexpectedly all is to become utter darkness, but under his body, just as the kind contain an oneself, while own feet didn’t stick ground, but suspended in the sky."This this is what what is the row?What’s the matter with me?"See thus, Zhang Qi loudly to before the body this ghost differ shout a way."What’s the matter with you?Return ability how?Certainly is to die,can’t you see by yourself?"The words that hear Zhang Qi, the ghost is bad to right away say, say, the ghost is bad to continue to say."Like, have already held up many time, hurriedly leave with me, the judge master has already waited you many we still need to walk a very long road" is impossible, how may I die?"Zhang Qi says, the hurried Fu body pulls another oneself, but what then how Zhang Qi go to and have no hard and also can pull, imitating a Buddha oneself is like an air general.Later on, the detection has no the slightest Zhang Qi of use to right away say from the language."This must be to dream, must be dreaming immediately after, Zhang Qi flicks to arise from F the arm then beat to go to own body and attempt to wake up with a start oneself, but what then the one punch boxing beat on the oneself’s body, but have no influence, even is some pain-sufferings to all have no."Like, like, don’t be getting more busy for nothing.You are falsely just a now body, again beat is also useless.If you doubt, so I ask you, are you Zhang Qi?"See Zhang Qi such, that ghost is bad can not help smiling low to ask a way."I I am Zhang Qi but low voice to answer a way.At this time, although tapping of Zhang Qi Shou stops bottom, but he secretly but have no, a time of time’s choking oneself on the hand , on the mouth, don’t live as well of bite a tongue with the tooth, but what then and still have no half to feel for cent."That right, I am to come to seek you and seemed to discover Zhang Qi for bad the ghost that you lead the way of these are small to act, laugh behind one’s back to say."The cocoa not only only was my Zhang Qi in the world, much the persons of Zhang Qi this name, you how know to is me?You not afraid do you seek a wrong person?"If Zhang Qi hears this ghost differing and quickly say."That good,

I ask you again, your birthday is F the Si year J You month Xin Maougg mayfaire Ri F Hai birth?"The ghost is bad to see Zhang Qi not to believe, took out a brochure from the bosom, after turning over to look over, again asked a way."F what J You what?All of this is what trifle?"Hear the problem that the ghost differs, can not help pretty much doing not understand on Zhang Qi Mian, right away ask a way.This F Si J You Xin Mao but the China most traditional clan’s annual rule , in the daily life, can say is have already abandonned need not, probably know these, the scholar who can be some to exclusively study these, or is an extremely traditional old man then can understand these, and for young, and have no Zhang Qi of knowledge to say, this kind of thing of course not understand, even if he once listens to these things, don’t know that this actually is what mean as well.At this time, Zhang Qi Mian’s facial expression will never be affected, is to really don’t understand, while this ghost is bad to seem understand Zhang Qi why such, so right away say."Is also the lunar calendar that you often say is 19**year the evening of August 29 is 9 points.It converting your generally accepted Christian ear is 198921:00 on September 28."But bad in this ghost explain of time, have already gradually taken place to change on Zhang Qi’s noodles, do a ground of that day Zhang Qi maybe not understand, but this lunar calendar Christian ear, Zhang Qi but know, and his own birthday, Zhang Qi isn’t likely to don’t remember.Very obvious, this ghost is bad the speech is exactly Zhang Qi’s birthday hour.But see Zhang Qi the variety at this time, the ghost bad side falls into trap namely on smiling and says."See, you have already had answer, so, don’t resist, although our ghost is bad while extraditing, have responsibility explanation the ghost put forward of question, we also have responsibility to carry toward ghost the ghost city accept judge judgment, if you resist, so, I have power to spread your psyche dozen and make you always a life time not get super living."The ghost bad words say and suddenly appear a handle to tie up to round the iron sword of white silk on the hand, very obvious, he this is at warning Zhang Qi, oneself just say, talk not and falsely."The etc. of the etc.See the ghost differ thus, Zhang Qi right away shouts a way.Immediately continue to say."Do not I deny that Zhang Qi whom you say doesn’t? is me, but do I want to know why I will die?Really is it that unlucky bullet that don’t become?I be not what die young ghost"ha ha, die young ghost?Still really make you say.You can live have already done not in really and not easily say here till now, this ghost is bad to suddenly stop down, continue to say."Telling you is in fact also no harm, anyway after you bear again also what all not remember, I also not at last reveal the secrets of heaven, you let me listenned to good, your day and hour of birth is F the Si year J You month Xin Mao Ri F Hai, so is the Yin year Yin month Yin day Yin birth, I did the ghost in a hundred years bad, extradite of person what 1,000,000?The person of the horoscope whole yinses, have never lived 18-year-old, have of even birth namely premature death, you have been 21 years old this year, white the white live to count year more, you still discontented?"Say, the ghost is bad to unexpectedly can not help cachinnation."The Yin year Yin month Yin day Yin?The horoscope whole yinses?"If Zhang Qi hears the ghost differing,

alone the low voice says from the language."The horoscope whole yinses, ugg nightfall 1,000,000 in, also however only have one person just, if is lucky to get monk of high renown to point out, or get to mutually assist of the person’s assistance revise, probably can the Gou Be lived to a life time, however is very unfortunate, once you have never ordered to turn, and don’t revise, so now, you since already clear, so make a trip with me, don’t make it lively for me, either, want to make it lively for yourself more not, so, to you only 100 harm but none benefit, if your things of the past fixs virtuous, probably can don’t need to be subjected to bitter transmigration of soul heavy get Human body, however, these all want to see you to be ownly to build to turn ghost bad say, in the see his hand of the handle tie up to round the iron sword of white silk suddenly become long, as if the rope is general, bind Zhang Qi’s hands, immediately after, tie up to round at the same time in Zhang Qi’s top half."The day and hour of birth whole yinses?The person of whole yinses?How may?The person of whole yinses lives however is 18 years old, why?With what?Impossibly, impossibly at this time, Zhang Qi don’t notice own hands and body at all all be tied up, but in always the low voice repeat such a words.But when he discovers this affair, but is already already late, because Zhang Qi’s body all has been already been bound of strict actually solid, even his step all is such."Do what to release the horselaugh that I release a time time of my Zhang Qi Yi quickly to shout a way to the bad ghost."Now that your problem I have already answered, you give me honesty to order, darling of follow me to see Zhang Qi such, ghost bad harsh voice say."Not I don’t go, I still need to do many affairs, and not I don’t go to Zhang Qi and twist body and attempt to flounce the tie on the body.The words that hear Zhang Qi, the ghost is bad to is right away cold to hum one to say."Hum don’t go now is no longer that you can make a lord of, doesn’t person’s dying to return to life this truth you still understand?And you have already known yin and yang psyche, it says, forbid you more personally wild for say, sees ghost bad list the hand is a , immediately a white smoke differs from the ghost of finger slowly and, immediately after, Zhang Qi Zhi feels oneself is drowsy, and his energy also in the running off of a little, end, Zhang Qi although the brains keeps awake,his body has already canned not use the energy in first half cent, don’t say to flounce, even use Zhang Qi’s fingers not up energy, but unique can move of, probably the eyelid and eyeball that leaves him."See you honesty dishonesty still arrive an underneath and have the judge decision your going or staying to see Zhang Qi have already been controled by you naturally, ghost bad noodles ascend on smiling, the low voice says.Say, the ghost differed to take out one from the bosom, some similar hoops that was like bracelet put a ground, but after the hoop put top in the ground, the hoop sudden becomes big and became a diameter probably finally the hoop in 7810 cm sizes, but the center in the hoop part, the ground on the original ground brick has been already disappeared and become a deeply disappear bottom of dissolve hole.And after dissolving hole to appear,

the ghost bad list hand holds tight the hilt of a sword of binding ugg lo pro button Zhang Qi and dive into among them, and Zhang Qi, though being 10010,000s would not like to, but what then he but have no of way, and his body also as if the gauze is generally very light to float went in to dissolve hole in.Chapter 9 dead but return to life(a)[this chapter word number:3274 latest renewal time:2010-11-1314:51:50.0] chapter 9 dead but return to life(a)"drop in the middle of the crest layer in hospital the instrument in the intensive care unit suddenly send out thus sharply blare ring.But beside of the heart electricity serve as guardian an instrument this place, originally even soon jump about of show that the picture suddenly becomes level, the level of a green straight line, impressively show at instrument on."Does doctor doctor wipe a doctor all go where?"But after this kind of prospects appear, intensive care unit outside suddenly spread a man roars thus of shout a voice.And his words sound just fell, saw an age at least at the about 50 years old doctor at two nurses of accompany under, quickly ran out from the rescue station from the same floor, also ignored that man just, quickly got into sickroom, around the patient of inside, busy, Be checking this instrument and preparing medicine for injection.And originally can look into a falling to the ground of sickroom internal circumstance glass wall, be also blocked with the very thick curtain by a nurse up."What person in this time, the elevator door of hospital suddenly opens, in come out two female kids, but their 2 people just the elevator was then been responsible for by 1 to watch the police here block."Elder brother after their two female kids is blocked by this police, an among those female kid to not the the man who just yelled a doctor in distance in a soft voice said."Xiao Tong?You you how come to hear someone call youself, this man right away says after right away turning round to see go, but discovering a bearer.Later on, this man then signals hint the police who blocks them to let go to them.At this time, come of these two female kids, the nature is Lin Xiao Tong and leaf who just came up from the down stairs the purple Xuan is 2 people, and just the man called by Lin Xiao Tong, the nature is her elder brother, Lin Feng, , also that mistake wound Zhang Qi, have already been suspended from duties the criminal police of accepting the reviewing now.This time, Lin Feng has already been inside the brigade temporarily suspended from duties a rest, and causes this cause of circumstance, certainly such as leaf what purple Xuan predicts is exactly the same, Lin Feng for the mistake brought by this activity difficult Ci its Jiu, and he now of so still keep in brief suspending from duties, don’t be subjected to what punish, also is because now Zhang Qi this place didn’t°yet finally of result, and as long as Zhang Qi appears any end conclusion here, so Lin Feng’s conclusion will also immediately but arrival, so at this time Lin Feng’s the only affair, be stay and wait here,

looking at Zhang Qi moment by moment, expecting Zhang Qi can be safe and kids ugg boots sound.As long as Zhang Qi changes the Wei into Anne, so Lin Feng’s heart also put down so after just seeing Zhang Qi’s heart palpitates showing that the instrument becomes level, Lin Feng would thus and excitedly yell a doctor, in fact, Lin Feng even if is to don’t shout, the guardianship room of doctor’s place, can will also the urgent signal of this place but these, the of course not is what Lin Feng considers."Elder brother, it is a purple Xuan to is a purple Xuan, she doesn’t? want to come over to see his Lin Xiao Tong their 2 people after walking into Lin Feng, and Lin Xiao Tong Chan hands purple Xuan of leaf and sees one eye sickroom saying to own elder brother, Lin Feng, .But when Lin Xiao Tong’s words just fell in, after looking at the sickroom that hasing already been all covered at this time, complexion right away a surprised, quickly asked a way."Elder brother, how was this ?He generally speaking, intensive care unit is disallow the common run of people to go in to call on, but can call on for the sake of the family members, this just used the glass wall of big area and called on a patient by convenient family members, but intensive care unit inside only a kind of possibility would thus general, that be inside of the patient be critically ill, doctor just at in carry on a salvage for the sake of canning be better, be not bothered of, save to cure illness a person, would pull a curtain up, but at this time this sickroom in be all covered up by the curtain, very obvious, at this time inside of the circumstance isn’t very optimistic.At this time, Lin Feng didn’t talk and just slowly ordered to nod, but after Lin Feng nods, condition immediately calmness come down, but from come in and then hasn’t been talking of leaf purple Xuan, then flounced Lin Xiao Tong’s arm, trailed still keep being the body a little with blood infirmity to walk to pass by to the sickroom of Zhang Qi’s place.Sees purple Xuan of leaf while walking to the sickroom glass wall in the side, the list hand sticks at the wall on, but another hand then grip, but on her noodles, then the double eye closes tightly, two lines of tears from her cheek on slid down."The purple Xuan stands on the glass wall after several minutes in the leaf purple Xuan, leaf purple Xuan the sudden pour not to rise toward the ground Tan, while Lin Xiao Tong by this time just quickly come forward to hand he/she, after starting to hand, Lin Xiao Tong attempts to persuade purple Xuan of leaf to return to sickroom in the accomplishment, but leaf purple Xuan but insist on to stay here.The leaf’s purple Xuan attitude is very resolute, Lin Xiao Tong has no way and have to leaf the purple Xuan handed to temporarily take a rest in the rest Deng out of the sickroom.So, leaf all of the purple Xuan and 3 brother and sister of Lin Feng are to look at sickroom, in the heart all orison Zhang Qi of peaceful, certainly, their 3 people of so such, all of its reason is different, Lin Feng brother and sister hope Zhang Qi’s peaceful reason is because only Zhang Qi is peaceful, so Lin Feng even if punishes, face of also sky badly do not,

after all death and get hurt is two as different as chalk ugg infant erin and cheese layers, but leaf purple Xuan, then sincerely of, pure hope Zhang Qi have no matter.At this time, distance the matter deliver a time afternoon and passed by for several hours, is already an evening at that time**order a clock, but since afternoon, Lin Feng and leaf purple Xuan 2 people then drop water didn’t enter, probably, their 2 people already because of Zhang Qi, forget these.And until half after several hours, the sickroom door of Zhang Qi’s place just be slowly opened, and originally be pulled the last curtain also be drawn back by the nurse later on."Doctor, how is he?He how after the doctor comes out, restless Lin Feng right away stands to start to walk to ask way to the doctor to doorway.And after Lin Feng’s station starts, the leaf purple Xuan certainly cans not continues to sit, either here and hands to start and head for sickroom doorway under the station in Lin Xiao Tong’s Chan later on.And say at Lin Feng, the leaf purple Xuan also arrives to doorway, but she didn’t ask a doctor, but came close a glass wall, through glass to sickroom in see go, at this time, the heart electricity originally having been already stopped serves as guardian an instrument to up and again appear ripples, is having the top and bottom of regulation to jump about, very obvious, this is the signal of heart palpitates, but have a heart palpitates, so, prove the edge that Zhang Qi has already again kept off to die at this time."The not so bad patient temporarily had no in danger, however the circumstance was still not very optimistic, the bullet almost was wiping the patient’s heart to once wear, the time delivered always the obfuscation don’t come to, if if this continues still the doctor take off mouth-muffle and explain to say to Lin Feng.But haven’t finished saying in 1, Lin Feng hears these words, on the noodles but can not help a bit anxious, words interrupted him, ask a way."These circumstance I know, you need not say these uselesses with me, I want to know he when can be out of the woods, when can wake up, when can the safe and sound station is in front of me at this time, Lin Feng is to really become nervous, Zhang Qi doesn’t have the amendment in 1:00, on the contrary such, Lin Feng how probably not hasty?And plus Lin Feng again originally is the guy of an impulse, face thus, also the slightest and Don’t mention it held tight that doctor in charge’s collar of dress on his hand, also ignore his age to want than he greatly exactly 100%.This famous doctor livings to see Lin Feng such concussion, noodles up have Be different from is a kind Chi, and he is just a famous doctor to living, and the age is also so old, certainly fear that he does a radical affair, so quickly say."Mr. Sir doesn’t be excited first, please listen to I say to listen to I say this affair I really not say what, more not ability wildly conceited promise.In fact, the patient’s system is very good, if otherwise, he can’t can have been insisting now, either, but I am also to have no way now, although the patient temporarily has no problem, but that still needs to see his own will"his will?What mean?If you don’t want to say those uselesses with me, I want to know that the result hears this famous doctor living, Lin Feng’s low voice says, while his hand also more grasp more tight, their 2 people even are already to tightly stick together, while a heel is also tiny to lift."What does the elder brother do?Quickly release at this time, Lin Feng’s younger sister, Lin Xiao Tong, sees his/her own elder brother unexpectedly thus, quickly the arrestment shouts a way.But Lin Xiao Tong’s words,

very obviously is have no function, Lin Feng remains be grasping this ugg rainier eskimo famous doctor to living not to loosen to open, and came out from the sickroom after this famous doctor livinged of those two nurses, see Lin Feng such, although say that they all want to come forward arrestment, but end who didn’t talk, after all in thinking of their two people, Lin Feng is still a police, still shot to kill sickroom in the patient’s police, and this police sees an appearance or his friend, such concussion, say according to the justice to is also normal, as long as Lin Feng didn’t do an exorbitant affair, their 2 people can’t do, either what, after all this kind of affair is getting tooer many in the hospital, some patient’s family members do some exorbitant affairs, can also make people comprehend"doctor, your meaning is to say is say him to don’t think of by himself?Isn’t the problem of his body?" In this time, the leaf purple Xuan suddenly and in a soft voice livings to ask a way to this famous doctor.But at leaf once the purple Xuan words fall, this famous doctor livings to right away turn a head, sees arrive unexpectedly is a young girl and immediately nod to say."This young lady says right, although this matter, I living from a famous doctor of angle say, some is like evading a responsibility,think at me in fact, is such.Just I once said as well, his system was very good, and harmed feeling said according to the truth, although the surface went up very seriously,the surface in fact had no big Ai, and I just checked of time, discovered that his wound has already healed a lot, most at least explain these harm, don’t influence the operation of his oneself any organ, but he at this time but the obfuscation don’t come to, and some I have never met of circumstance, this just make him have no out of the woods, have been staying in the intensive care unit."But living to finish saying in this famous doctor, Lin Feng didn’t listen to into very obviously, but was like this famous doctor to living say, this is clear be decline, be evade a responsibility, so Lin Feng is still harsh voice to say to him.If"these I don’t want to know, I want to know that he actually can also wake up" eldest brother wood don’t be excited first, release he say again to hear Lin Feng, the leaf of the part purple Xuan right away says."But hear purple Xuan of leaf of words, Lin Feng certainly very is not wish, but face leaf purple Xuan, Lin Feng also not say what, after all this matter is what oneself asks for descend, and is also at leaf purple Xuan of at present, this owes such as oneself under leaf the purple Xuan is one personal feeling, even if Lin Feng to who become angry, also impossible to leaf purple Xuan.Immediately, Lin Feng is slowly loose to open a hand, but his look in the eyes still the Nu stare this famous doctor to living and imitate Buddha Zhang Qi’s wound because this famous doctor living not enough work hard to.Chapter 10 dead but return to life(two)[this chapter word number:3790 latest renewal time:2010-11-1412:20:02.0] chapter 10 dead but return to life(two)"doctor, so in your eyes, now his circumstance is well is bad?What do we do again?"Living a quilt in this famous doctor Lin Feng loose open, after heel stands firm, the leaf purple Xuan in a soft voice asks a way."Quality this not say, because can see himself just now, if his will is strong, so he can wake up, if otherwise this famous doctor living to say here,

didn’t keep on continuing, immediately once the topic turn and continue ugg stella to say."Can make now of, can be to wait for, if he this how many days can safe and soundly spend, will be also peaceful so in the days to come, and even if back an one step to say, he also however is sleep up during a lifetime just" are you to say that you are to say that he says that he even if lived down, also can lie on the bed during a lifetime?Doesn’t the obfuscation come to?Become a plant person?"Saying of leaf purple Xuan surprise."Although can not affirm,do not expel this possibility.And, I want to rectify for a while, this circumstance of his, this can not be called a plant person, the plant person is a pure brain harm, the patient’s brain is healthy, so he is certainly just deep obfuscation, and this can take place this famous doctor to living low voice to explain to say under the sistuation that the patient can stand through these several days."Thank doctor now me can go in to see him?"The words that hear a doctor, the leaf purple Xuan low voice sounds out to ask a way."If this hear purple Xuan of leaf, this famous doctor’s livinging is to took a look Lin Feng first, after deliberating repeatedly, say."Person had better not too many patients need to be quiet."Say, this famous doctor livings and turns round a rightness after death of two nurses say, " you are two to every moment keep in mind here, if have what circumstance, notify in time that I finish saying, this famous doctor livings and turns round to walk, but hasn’t waited he to come out is two, then held tight by Lin Feng.At this time, Lin Feng holds tight the doctor’s reason to certainly still keep wanting to ask Zhang Qi’s condition and sees a form, Lin Xiao Tong right away comes forward arrestment to say."Can the elder brother be a little bit rational?Don’t work to excite so, the common saying says like harm the Ba forgot painful, harm Ba now didn’t°yet good, so quick forget?"Lin Xiao Tong’s words its idea certainly means Lin Feng today to the reckless matter done by Zhang Qi, Zhang Qi is here now didn’t°yet as a result, but Lin Feng’s returning be been placed in be suspended from duties of period, if at this time at cause what bad affairs, so will result in to Lin Feng good influence more not, but for these, Lin Feng is certainly clear, so Lin Feng Zhi living this famous doctor after canning connect to breathe heavily two tones loose open, say later on."Sorry Lao you gave a lot of care" didn’t relate to, this was also my job place this famous doctor to living to see Lin Feng such, can not help a smile on the noodles and say.Say, this famous doctor livings to take a nurse returned before come of the guardianship stand and leave a nurse to every moment serve as guardian here."Xiao Tong, I want to go in to see him after that famous doctor living to leave, the leaf purple Xuan light tone says to Lin Xiao Tong."H’m if I accompany you to hear purple Xuan of leaf, Lin Xiao Tong comes forward to hand leaf Xiao Tong, 2 people slowly of to sickroom in walk.But Lin Feng, then only heel after their two Human bodieses, same to walk in the sickroom.After their 3 people successively gets into sickroom, the nurse who is responsible for watching Zhang Qi then turns round to go out and stays and waits outside the door, through the glass wall, observe instrument.

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Feng, we started!"White man one openings cheap uggs for sale woulds be an one mouthful fluently and China language, " first, I will explain in detail basic rule quarter maple of billiard-marker to cautiously listen to for you, although don’t know the Qie galaxy horse’s billiards rule and on the earth of whether is same,want to resist with white man, also want to understand the Qie galaxy horse’s rule first at least, otherwise, does He Tan resist a to say?Luckily, the white man explains in detail of the rule isn’t a lot of, to the memory of the quarter maple, remember these part-time is easy to accomplish.After finishing explaining in detail rule, the white man starts explaining in detail to hit ball with racket again of strength and various technique, let the maple of quarter gradual practice at the same time.While starting a formal practice, the quarter maple suddenly discovers, in addition to several inchoate poles are a bit not well acquainted with outside, connected down him to seem to suddenly become a billiards superior similar, bumping of each pole shots extremely precision nature, and act very flowing freely, the hand is hundred percent!This kind of variety makes the maple in quarter some glad, but also really is doubt, because long so big, he still has never play billiards, how can such of well-trained?The words of Zhi brain answered a quarter doubt within maple heart:"Host, because you already Jian gymnastics of ex- four actions thoroughly control, therefore, your body is regardless a strength or a pliant and tough, with before compare all and have biggest leaping of degree, want ~only process simple of practice, can control billiards this kind of to request to the body to isn’t the technique of very high item.Certainly, if host hereafter learned machine and weapon, Be getting higher to the request of body, when the time comes host unless can thoroughly of control the fifth action, otherwise will be very difficult!" Listenned to the words of Zhi brain, quarter maple immediately and suddenly realize, originally this has very close relation with own physical endowment exaltation!Connect down performance as a result and Zhi brain of quarter maple to say generally have no two, understood rule, the quarter maple equaled to completely control billiard-marker technique, continuous dozen not arrive 15 bureaus, the quarter maple unexpectedly beats for the ability and that white man of more or less equal.Arrived this degree, the Zhi brain then hinted the maple in quarter, not be continuing to keep on beating with white man, because if always and one personal words of dozen, not only way of thinking easy already set, even even technique also very possible already set.Fear most to a billiards contestant of is an already set, because once already set, want to promote again, difficult Be getting more.Therefore, the Zhi brain connects down and arranges a few Qies galaxy horse’s billiards master and quarter maple to fight, as a result still is quarter maple and these masters almost between the brothers, it is can hardly for momentary to divide a superiority!Even if is so, the quarter maple has already very satisfied as well, can all stand on the more or less equal that the masters of top position beat with in the whole Qie in galaxy horse, if this technique put at on the earth, absolutely can sweep!To know Qie although galaxy horse’s masters have never experienced super especially the work train system of especially Xun, but their physical endowments compare with the Earth person come to say, really is be good friends with of too many,

more important, they of the brain is much more than wanting of the mini uggs Earth person’s development!Therefore, if only just talking about is technical, the billiards masters on the earth absolutely can not compare with Qie galaxy horse’s a common superior, but quarter maple, have already been good enough to be called now Qie galaxy horse’s billiards master!……PS:The fox needs everyone’s support, beg to collect, everyone needs to click to collect for a while, be to fox’s biggest support, thank everyone!!!Chapter 59 tests at the end of month[this chapter word number:2102 latest renewal time:2011-03-0720:00:00.0] chapter 59 month the end test release from school in the evening of time, kid Lei didn’t stay, but at class is over bell ring just a ring of time, then tidied up a schoolbag to come out classroom.The figure that looking at kid Lei is disappeared classroom doorway, seeing of the quarter maple Leng Leng several seconds, then shake head a to smile later on, look, combine to be different from in kid Lei’s heart she express of that sort equanimity!Kid Lei’s performance explains that the gravamen in her heart calms down, because the many people all once wrote love letter for kid Lei before just, but is directly taken no cognizance by kid Lei as a result, just sweeps two eyes or is to see all don’t see, then and directly threw into the garbage can of classroom.However, the note of quarter maple but be put inside in the drawer by kid Lei.Although just with put of, compared with those love letter that are taken no cognizance, the quarter maple gets of the treatment is really much better!More important BE, kid Lei didn’t be like usually similar stay, this explains, her discomposure!Want to understand these, the quarter maple cans not help in mind tiny tiny on smiling, look, kid Lei is still different to he or she of, just, want to truely move her tender heart, then still need further effort!"Feed, bedlamite!"The flank was tidying up Zhang Lei of schoolbag to suddenly touch the arm of the maple of touching the quarter, the low voice said:"My old younger sister how was this ?Was she to will stay to take lessons homework for you formely?How today connect hello don’t also beat and then walk?" The quarter maple cannot help but turning over to turn over cold stare and say:"I where know, she is your younger sister, don’t you know?" Zhang Lei is vacant of shook to shake head, way:"Being really a strange quarter maple can’t tell him, oneself is pursuing kid Lei, otherwise with Zhang Lei’s personality, affirmation will seem discover New Continent general, excitement not already.Quickly tidied up a schoolbag, to Zhang Lei beat after receive, the quarter maple hurried home.This night, when the part accepts Zhi brain training, does the quarter maple’s part start studying the third new technical ability??Power!According to the parlance of Zhi brain, is an interstellar ages excellent super especially work, not only want to control various rite and language, but also need to learn to drive various pileup, because while carrying out a task, perhaps especially the work will play various role, besides, if is carrying out to finish at the time that task withdrew, driver’s pileup were also a technical ability of essential to have.Because to a kid of poor people, driver forever all can be a dream,

but this dream of, but is to really can in a dream come true, how tougg mini boots can not move again quarter maple?"Host, according to present condition and the knowledge learned by host on the earth, Zhi brain suggests, the host start to learn since the most basal pileup first!"Zhi Nao says, is doing the quarter maple of this Jian gymnastics the fifth action to suddenly discover once the scene of in front change, he appears at an open spaces big way up, at his stop an azure sedan nearby."The car is in host’s place on the earth, is extremely universal, application also very extensive, therefore, the Zhi brain suggests host first from car of the driver start learning since!"The Zhi brain says.The quarter maple ordered to nod, rubbing of excitement the hands say:"Like, good, let’s immediately start!" Who know, his words sound just fell, feel suddenly flowed out into many datas and information in the brain, be after he adapted to, immediately discovered, all of these were the basic information of driver car."Finally be learning to drive!"The quarter maple looking at a body sides of streamlined pale blue color sedan, drilleding into of excitement, according to the information in the brain, he starts beating fire and tramples to leave to match and hang file along with bellowing of a burst of motor voice, the quarter maple drives an azure sedan, imitate a shell of Buddha general, in a twinkling hurtled to go out."Is too great!"Sit on the quarter maple on driver’s a part some nervously drive, loudly yell at the same time, " ha ha, I will drive!""Host, the front is a to greatly bend a way, please watch for a driver!"The voice of Zhi brain rings out in the ear of the maple in quarter, lets the maple in quarter immediately refrain from rash action mind and starts noticing a driver.The curved way driver really tests contingency ability and driver’s technique of driver, however, after the physical endowment change and once practiced Jian gymnastics, these techniques only ran just about time of half hour to quarter maple and had already controled completely.Because know that this is the virtual space, for only a person of oneself, so the quarter maple is matchless to unbridledly drive a car, continuously exercise with various high difficulty, drive a technique more and more well-trained.This time, the quarter maple started practicing of the second car type for a night, the quarter maples are practicing various road with various car type, most make him feel the excited, is to run a curved way of an overhanging cliff, the part of the road is an almost perpendicular mountain body, another part is ten thousand Zhang overhanging cliffs, the quarter maple opens of is a not well-known sports car.According to the request of Zhi brain, at this overhanging cliff curved way up, at least run to more than 280 codes to just be regarded as qualified, result because the in the mind is afraid, quarter maple for the first time then and directly hurtle next overhanging cliff, if is a true person to drive, perhaps he already powder body ground bone.After hurtling overhanging cliffs to reach to more more than ten times in a row, the quarter maple finally overcame mental obstacle successful of once hurtled a curved way of overhanging cliff by the speed of 300 codes, time waited until to get off, he feels that his own legs have already wanted to can not stand.However, is like a Zhi brain of strict military instructor at this time, have never given time that the maple in quarter resumes, but directly orderanied him to again drive a car to once wear an overhanging cliff to bend a way,

until can in bending a way at random the Nian come of do a ugg mini chocolate various acceleration decelerates of the action of type, just be regarded as to thoroughly pass!Therefore, quarter maple while being afraid with eager to have a try complicated mood, and then started his practice.While waking up in the morning, the quarter maple still cannot helps but having a kind of want habitual of hold the action of steer device, in the heart of that is vigorously excited, still don’t fade away.However while know, being not excited now, quarter’s maple which fear his technique again badly, also have no one to belong to his/her own true car!So, quarter maple after washing Shu and completing, quickly arrive to school, always want first the lesson originally last of the knowledge completely learn to use flexibly, just can have opportunity to come out Mang stone county, create to belong to for own future!So connect down in a row much aer lunar of time, quarter maple all at diligently study.Within this period of time, the quarter maple experienced to touch bottom examination at a time.Ji Feng discovers that try the topics on book, he just has a liking for one eye, know how answer, particularly those topics that memorize mechanically a hard back, is also a Nian to at random come, this makes him is greatly excited, own after all of effort didn’t waste!However, the quarter maple doesn’t think too ho, so each course he leaves a few topics to intentionally set up for to do, then early and early hands in an examination papers.Wait until at the time that result sent down, the result of the quarter maple he anticipates of just had some discrepancies on the composition, but his total result still kept being row’s medium downstream in the whole class and lined up not last number more in the whole gradeses!Quarter maple but don’t know, when kid Lei saw his result, flash across in eye a put on the color of very thick disappointment!Chapter 60 starts engaging in fisticuffs[this chapter word number:2181 latest renewal time:2011-03-0818:13:44.0] chapter 60 start engaging in fisticuffs time to fly soon of passage, in a moment, time test already and pass by greater half for month at the end of month, get into deep autumn, the weather also becomes cool gradually, the morning even can feel one silk cold idea, walk down the avenue, have been able to see the pedestrian of being dressed in the coat.This period of time inside, quarter maple already record the courses of the whole senior high school all at brain in, so time that he just draws out to along while every day does exercises, exert the biggest may use flexibly the knowledge that oneself learn, other of time, he mostly all lies prone on the lesson table and goes to bed.Certainly, this is just superficial phenomenon, actually, the quarter maple is accepting super especially the work train system of especially Xun.From get a Zhi brain till now, pass by for nearly two months.These two months inside, the quarter maple feels oneself at flies soon of growth, the study Jian from pain and sufferings but unwillingly gymnastics of the first action, till now, he already can easily of completion the seventh act!This is absolutely a to hugely leap!To know the action of Jian gymnastics is more to hereafter is more difficult to learn,

for body of request also extremely the Ke engrave.But even if such, the quarterugg mini chestnut maple still meticulously completed.Not only is the seventh action that completed Jian gymnastics, he is in this process and also learned various assistance technical abilities.For example go game, Chin chess and military flag, billiards and driver says according to the words of Zhi brain, in addition to those are in the technical ability that is on the earth unsuitable for study outside, quarter maple basically already super especially all of the assistance technical ability of work system learn and include machine and weapon among them!Particularly that this end is two, it absolutely lets the maple pain in quarter not the desire living, even on thinking of to make the brain study these knowledge each time, he cannot help but all over trembling, this formed fresh clear contrast with inchoate excitement.Of so will become this appearance, isn’t that the quarter maple is lazy or is frightened to train, really is because Qie galaxy horse’s machine and weapon knowledge, complications to let the situation that the maple in quarter almost can not accept!For example machine, according to Zhi brain say, at Qie galaxy horse of the age, have already canned not found a half worker in factory, is all completely replaced a worker by the robot of half intelligence to do work.Even in, Qie each aspect of the galaxy horse people, all want to use the machine of various different type.So, at super especially the work train the course of system arrangement in, the machine is this assistance technical ability, have to want to learn, otherwise, not and at last pass!However want to learn a machine, it isn’t enough to only have the super brain to be developed, more important comprehension, this is exactly also the place that the quarter maple fears.Because, the Qie is all machines of galaxy horse, all nowise and exceptionally lead long to pull to a problem, those are procedure and electric circuit!There are no procedure and electric circuit, the robot can not work by oneself, there are no procedure and electric circuit, various machine can not operate, can not even revolve, which afraid is a vehicle up, is also have to have procedure and electric circuit.Because in that interstellar ages, have already had no to move to manipulate of machine and vehicle!But this is absolutely tantamount to book in a sky to quarter maple.To know the knowledges, such as machine and electric circuit…etc. come in contact with by quarter maple are basically all some the most simple however of thing, for example the type of pulley, wheel gear of.As for electric circuit he also just once heard just.In this case, want to learn those outstripped the Earth science and technology don’t know how many years of machines knowledge, that is unlike to ascend heaven still difficult?Is helpless under, the quarter maple has to let the Zhi brain start to speak about since the most ancient machine knowledge, and after explaining in detail, also want to begin in person, let ownly and realize more profoundly, also speed the comprehension that knows to the new information at the same time.Luckily there are enough many datas in the database of Zhi brain,

there is also ancient ugg mini black machine knowledge, otherwise,perhaps lead ten several 20 years again, the quarter maple can don’t necessarily learn these things as well.Even if is so, quarter maple still is use fully 20 day, just chase these knowledge academic associations, this compares with to study other assistance technical abilities, time used is many more than ten times, this lets the maple in quarter how much a bit upset, oneself learns of still too slow.If the other people know, afraid of meeting a head of to bump dead.Science and technology that learned future interstellar for 20 days for ages, does this still dislike slowly?Did that other people still want to live?To know have how much scientist with patience delved into a lifetime, also however is to attain leading level of the Earth just, don’t know after comparing with Qie galaxy horse’s science and technology to all want to stay how many years.But the quarter maple only could not spend for a month, study meeting these knowledge, but he still dissatisfied foot?However luckily, this just belongs to maple a person’s secret in quarter, the others also have no opportunity to know really don’t know, otherwise, afraid of quarter maple have already been closed in the cage to be now small white rat.After learning machine knowledge, the quarter maple starts studying weapon knowledge again.Here the weapon knowledge for saying, can not only only is the use of weapon, among them still include the structure of weapon, principle, and the manufacturing of weapon.Using the heel can also thought of, Qie galaxy horse’s weapon knowledge, main theme first the Earth how many years!Very obviously, the quarter maple wants to study these, the difficulty is absolutely unlike to before study a machine of the difficulty of knowledge is small.However is lucky BE, these weapon knowledge, there are a lot of foundations that is all establishment in the machine knowledge up, just through learned the quarters maples of machine knowledge, again learn and then become easily many.Therefore, the quarter maple spends for ten days again and learned weapon knowledge.Pass the study in this month, the quarter maple is in happy remaining, but still have already grown a nerve-racking felling.The reason lies in, his the knowledge learned by a month, it is too to make people be getting more shocked really.For example Qie galaxy horse’s a specific name is the weapon of the light sub- energy cannon, the airship that loads in the space.This kind of energy cannon, needs 15 Chong abilities time, however its power, but can in a twinkling demolish a minor planet!If there is one 23s energy cannon like this, afraiding of the Earthses will in a twinkling be demolished, this wait power, also was really too terror some!However, lead how many days after, the quarter maple was also calm down, oneself anyway learns these knowledge, is just also for the sake of completion super especially work train system, again not is must build this kind of energy cannon come out, and then have what worry so much?On this day, the quarter maple lies prone on the table again, but consciousness got into brain and started practicing the eighth action of Jian gymnastics."Host, according to your physical endowment, you can start studying a brawl now!"The voice of Zhi brain immediately lets the maple in quarter come to spirit, the brawl , to each boy, all has a difficult to express attraction.Is each to all have a big Xia dream in one personal heart, the quarter maple is equally no exception.Each acrobatic feats particularly big Xias that appear in those movie or novel, , the artistic skill is robust, even have ten thousand men don’t block of brave.On thinking of these each time, the quarter maple always has a boiling passion.If oneself had a great achievement, any further need not worry to be humiliated by person.

Think of before and slowly the Mo seek that named the baldheaded ugg mini sand super person is on the road block up a he or she, at that time the brain of the Zhi manipulates own body and turned an eye put those six guys pour, quarter maple then excited get up.If that is own true skill thought of here, the quarter maple immediately says:"That let’s immediately start!"……Beg to collect, the fox pleads everyone’s support.Chapter 61 kid Lei persuades 1[ this chapter word number:2082 latest renewal time:2011-03-0916:42:04.0] chapter 61 kid Lei persuade 1 and then is a month in the past, time got into November.Is a to test at the end of month again, the quarter maple again completed examination in a low-key way by the result that wins downstream.Listen to the teacher on the platform tediously explain in detail to try book, lying prone of quarter maple habitual at table up, shut eyes to go to bed.But actually, he is another time brawl training that got into his own brain, started accepting a Zhi brain.Inchoate time, quarter maple also just study some basic action, but because of practice Jian gymnastics, his physical endowment has already got an improvement, so these are basic to act his to use several days have been already learned.Connect down, be change magically the military instructor of with system to carry on engaging in fisticuffs true war training.This the quarter maple can really is to bear suffering all of a sudden, according to Zhi brain say, be responsible for the military instructor of the maple that trains a quarter, according to Qie in the middle of galaxy horse a most famous troops procedure of military instructor write but become, completely can be treated as the most careful procedure, artistic skill nature need not say more.Which afraid is while studying complicated and matchless machine and weapon knowledge, the quarter maple once had a headache never and like this as well, the artistic skill of that military instructor, it is bad to have a little abnormal condition really.No matter which direction quarter maple attackstone, can not shoot military instructor.The fence that two hands of that military instructor seem to sprinkle to build but become with the steel is similar, the slightest don’t differ of held up the attack of quarter maple.Isn’t only this, let the maple in quarter feel the frightened most , is the attack of military instructor.The military instructor deals with the maple in quarter, always is all one shot.But is this shot under, the quarter maple basically defends to all defend not to live, direct be bombed by the military instructor one punch to fly.To know although this is just virtual illusion, is beaten medium can’t get hurt, either.However, the sense organs emulation in which is still extremely true.Is also say, the quarter maple is beaten in the training medium of words, felling will matchless reality, with reality be beaten medium almost have no dissimilarity.From here and then can know, the acceptance that quarter maple wants of is what kind of pain and sufferings!Be shot by a second to none military instructor one punch, that is absolutely equal to be sped by high speed of truck to bump, quarter maple the whole personal moment the meeting is bombed to fly, falls off of seven Huns eight vegetables of!Quarter maple not from start to think of to practice Jian gymnastics of day, at that time although is very tedious, even is let people’s despair, can also be unlikely to be like to living like this now not equal to dead?But, the words of Zhi brain let the maple in quarter cancel the mind that wants to withdraw:"Host stipulate according to the procedure, host from accepted a moment beginning of procedure training, have to come according to the rules of procedure.

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Wake up, think the plan last night, pushedcheap jordan shoesbe pushed to thin certainly said:"Do not forget to now the silver is to me."
In thin settle satisfy ground a smile:"Like, however, you want to is returned to house to take with me."
"Bring over here first, I want to stay several more day at Mo houses, the down stairs contains garden pond here, a little more pleasantly cool in the evening."
"Is all right, that I deliver for you in the evening."

The Mo white point nods and smile the eyebrow eye is curved curved, in thin settle of the heart is a burst of to surge, kissed up, take she mean to say the crevice of words, with she the lips tongue entwine and differ from the first-time gentleness, this time, steaming hot but tie up Mian, separate, two people’s breath is all a bit unsteady, his scorching hot breath sprays on her face, the Mo white feels whole body again is having fever, heart palpitates must very quickly soon, be Be seen to thin settle again the come over of time, she pauses for breath to say:"You ……don’t come over, leave me to far order son, once you close to, I breathe heavily however annoy."

In thin settle wry smile several voice, try to disaffection~, and she, also don’t know he is she does of wait for and endure patiently, the reaction see her, to him, also is to have feeling, he overcomes he in order to doing not harm her and only think a way to let she understand her own feelings quickly possibly just good.

In the daytime, the Mo white sought summer Ling again, she is divided at the kitchen does a miscellaneous matter, time find out her, she is washing vegetables.She with a single eye asks a way:"Are you used to?"
Summer a Ling is still an apathetic appearance, and the beginning see her similar, connect lie in a house to a little bit and a little bit change of face also change have no, just said a sentence:"No matter the big young daughter-in-law is how to think, I still kept thanking you for to send back me a Mo house very much."
Be been a by this sentence, the Mo white really didn’t know what good, probably, she does of from think a good matter, in the other people’s eyes already be not so returned to matter, probably, in the Ling eyes in summer in, she is she does of, however is in the almsgiving, so, she chooses that the dignity ground is on the hoof.
The Mo white looking at to lower the head to wash vegetables of she, sincerely say:"I am really good-hearted, although, the beginning is to want to make you do a keep woman come, I know and let you do a keep woman, is to don’t respect you, but I really have no another meaning."

The summer Ling finally pulls a mouth a smile:"In fact, so very good, the dead tired evening sleeps well, substantial comfortable, you need not be getting more self-reproach, if not that because you temporarily play so much, I am from the fire hole Shu come out, now, also don’t know is what appearance, be just, I really like to depend on oneself to labor for a living and feel at ease a ground of on the hoof."
The Mo white finishes listenning to, ashamed in the heart, feel at ease a ground of on the hoof, why does she only want to bilk and go out to play?E, she indeed as expected isn’t a good person, just in thin settle that guy, also too, what all calculate on her head, how does she return purely?Again say, in there are so many silvers in the house, her disaster some, also however is rob rich benefit poverty, poverty of object, is herself.

Eat?Be eaten?
The Ling that ever since that time listens to a summercheap jordans shoes said that:"Feel at ease a ground of on the hoof."She sits to lie discomfort, supper after, in thin certainly come over of time, see the appearance that she is still mind not in it, have no some spirit.
In thin settle the silver wrapping up cloth to put on the table, a 12 ten silver ingots one word row open, the Mo white saw one eye, hesitant in the heart, exactly want to take these silvers to run road?Owe his by so doing Be getting more more, although a strength ground comforts himself/herself, that is to rob rich benefit poverty, but the somebody else really has no obligation to give to her.

In the evening, lie on the bed, in thin settle to as usual embrace her.
She is in he bosom Ceng Ceng, wanted and think, seriously looking at him to say:"Do you love Mo white very much?Was the childhood that feelings that isn’t with her is very deep?"
"O.K.."In thin settle to carefully say, in fact, his indetermination, this Mo white whether really and not and at that time that Mo white, have to very careful unclearly a language once took.
Once the Mo white listen to, let it be, if his true love that Mo was white before, very poor of she, can make him get what the Chang expected, with him ……thought of here, the face is getting reder, originally, saw again many novels were also good, the television was let it be all armchair strategist, before, occasionally emitted a bubble when she saw a text, stayed at most of be charge forward, so-and-so eat ……result ……still have no courageous.

She moves around and wants and thinks, the business in morning, she guessed around around unclearly, a men to a women, the fact for canning make at limited, before, she just didn’t think, and his gentleman behavior, so ……her never once thinking toward that aspect , probably, wased her esthetic sense to contain problem, thoughted of did that matter of, brain in unexpectedly what to think was two men ……, and a men and a women, she have no how once think, limited sex knowledge, is also describe in some novels of, Meng hazy Long, half concealed half now, concretely really don’t know as well how do, actually, once sawed pork, also not necessarily knew how to eat.

In thin certainly embrace her, her Ceng comes to Ceng to go, the hand unconsciously moves around on him, it make him have his face raddens all over, whole body hair hot, desire upsurge, just tonight, she is something wrong, just endure don’t see she close she , at this time, really cannoted helped but, draw out Zhen her the hand of head, once turned round to go, back to she sleeping.

Mo Bai feels some oddness, don’t know he how, the heart is also jittery, she can be calm in his bosom to sleep to go, at this time, but because of want to hand over to this body him, owe less him some but still hesitate Yu, she doesn’t know, how do, is the best of, or, it isn’t to know how to start.Afterwards, she still kept doing decision of brave, now that decided to leave, now that owed his so many, since he so likes original Mo white, that give°s the body he, also walk of feel at ease some.

Her stretching hand to pull is pulled to thin settle of shoulder, but he, make an effort to match with her, be don’t turn body to come over, the Mo white sat, the hands were made an effort to pull he comes over, he the looking angry and embarrassed ground looking at her, Mo white think, this guy, be a weak be subjected to~thought of this, she feels she’s young tiger is fierce many, shut eyes, heart a horizontal, rush toward at in thin settle body up, she jordan shoes 6 opens eyes 1 sew, at the right moment the mouth towards mouth, then kiss go up, practice Ba in person female hard press small be subjected to of opera~

Her hand also have no carefree, grope for to find out a collar of dress, the clothes of strap, let shut an eye hand tremulous of she beats to also beat not to open, her heart a horizontal, make an effort a to tore, "Si" of a , the dress took pomp to beautifully and all tore, the Mo white lies prone naked the chest at him up, heart palpitates must very quick, the whole body becomes numb, whole body shiver, eyes half Zheng, cringe to climb to solve his belt.

In thin certainly sit, heavy Hun muddy breath, one compares a hurriedly, he the dumb voice ask a way:"Do you know not to know what you is doing?"
The Mo white lips shiver to say:"Know …… way ……" and hand are also a Duo to cringe Suo, the cloth tapes of contact pants all hold not to live.
In thin certainly stretch hand to grasp her hand, hoarse ask a way:"You really would like to?"

The Mo white trembled more badly all over and lowered the head still crustily skin of head to order to order.Raise head again, but there was a silk to determine, at present this man is most at least the type that oneself likes, thought of to leave, or have some don’t give up, she again on her own initiative kiss last his lips, crudely and lightly bite.
In thin settle is abnormal to her tonight, the only commotion and hesitation, all disappeared, whole heartedly, the anti- guest kisses her for lord ground, although he feels not in the right, but turns to read one tonight of think, missing, he not know and be waiting until what year He Yue, again say, also not know her that Yu wood head is exactly how to think, unique can make sure of BE, she there isn’t no one silk cordiality to him, probably, their two people, can acquaint with first from the body, thought of here, he even feels he have a little bad, the action on the hand was more quickly light and soft.

But, along with the progress of materiality, he when the entrance to cave gets into a little, afraid painful Mo white a strength goes toward him to outside push, tears direct current, he coaxs her easily, she is to shed tears to shake head, she since the childhood afraid painful, afraid of death.
In thin can not certainly have to embrace her to wipe tears for her, say:"Was free, slept."
Finish saying, the wry smile wears and embraces her, is a deep breathing first, lead very for a while, on the whole very some, and Mo white, also cried about, just suddenly think of oneself wants and does of, open feet, double once the eye shut, such as the brave man break wrist and firmly say:"You come!"Finish saying, hand tightly Zuan implantation list, whole body shiver, worked well hero to die a martyr ex- preparation.

In thin certainly go fetch to take off in the clothes ofjordan 5 one side, throw on her body, throw on own single dress again, turn head to say to her:"Put on clothing quickly, carefully catch cold."Finish saying, open a door, the stairs standing outside blows some tiny cool cool breezes.
The Mo white loosenned tone, as if relieved of a heavy burden, actually and just, she still keeps fearing desperately and just recognize to die to manage of she, insist on to want to repay loan in this way, but, can not reduce her, either like this frightened and afraid painful mood.

Led for a long time, in thin settle into building, find out thread in the dressing table, take off blouse, clumsily sew the dress being just spoiled by pulling by the Mo white to take, she sees very ashamedly, the but again is some touched, really want to come forward to embrace him, finally just feel ashamed ground to shut up eyes pack to sleep.
Is short summer night, in thin certainly go to bed asleep after, Mo white light hand the light feet ground start and put on plain dress Ru skirt, again sit to before the bed, in whisper whisper a way:"I want to walk, owed you so many, originally thought still some of, but you didn’t want~, " made reference to sigh tone here, the spoony sort ground said:"In fact you are long of pretty bear to see of, eyes are eyes, the nose is a nose, the mouth is a mouth, I was unwilling to walk, " deeply absorbed an one breath:"However, what you love is a Mo white, so I had to walk and sought my handsome boy of love to go to, you wanted to take good care of more, I this walks, perhaps which the day scared to death, again saw don’t expect~, Pei, is not, affirmative lively and thoroughly, the handsome boy beautiful male follows me, the peach blossom opens, natural and unrestrained and comfortable~"

Make reference to here, she feels very sad and absorbs to absorb a nose and walks to the front of the dressing table and takes a pair of scissors, shears the next hair and walks to the desk premise pen to write a way:"This is the hair of Mo white, shear next stay to you, do to read to think, after, don’t think again previously, forget all everythings, take a wife to living son soon!"
Finish writing together with the hair and the note, put bed side, she carries burden and walks to the side of door and suddenly stops under open the door of hand, turn back, lightly kissed his forehead, said a voice:"Take good care of, probably, again saw don’t expect ……" again regrets in a short while, then open a door, urgently hasty go toward outside walk.

In thin certainly open eyes, hold the hair of bed side, walk to the side of door, open, looking at a hazy dawn in, gradually go gradually far Qian to copy, the mood is by chance good, he finally can make sure now, this silly wench, to him, also is to have a cordiality, just she negated by herself and chocked to death, a Jin recognized dead ideal to be partial to, but she definitely doesn’t know and have a kind of thing that is called to think of will such as shadow mutually with, wherever she goes, also inescapable.

Stood very in a short while, the genius was big bright, he takes back and hopes she leaves directional taste and sit bed once up, disappointedly looking at the note that she stays, be him and see that "take a wife and living son soon", is still a burst of wry smile, is really a silly wench, always so consider as correct, if not is to love her, how can endure for her bottom?
Have no in a short while, stairs someone slowlyair jordan 9 goes upstairs, in thin certainly open a door, the Mo is green to walk to come in, didn’t see Mo white, then and oddly asked a way:"Gu Ye, and young lady?"

He is just light on smiling, don’t talk, wash face and comb hair some kind of, arrive the Mo father Mo mother’s living room in person, after holding to back a person, knelt down to say:"Niang son she walked last night and lay in a house, she once escaped a two house, this time, the my son-in-law makes decision and puts her to walk, her in the mind contains heart knot and doesn’t understand to open and allow I how to her, also useless, ask father-in-law’s mother-in-law to help!"
Once the Mo father listen to and annoy the faces are all green, but Be seen to thin settle sincere appearance, the spirit eliminated one greater half again, be just cold the face don’t talk.
"Father-in-law’s mother-in-law pleases trust, a year in, I certainly let her milli- deliver not hurt voluntarily come back."

The Mo father pondered a short while, wearing a smile say:"Get married from the man, her business, you make decision good."
"I will send several individuals to protect hers and please two old trust!"
The Mo mother still keeps feeling very much obliged and kindly says:"Letting you devoting a lot of care is my tube to teach not goodly!"
In thin settle knowing a smile:"The mother-in-law makes reference to where go to, I also had be not, said again, is her, do what I is willingly of!"After doing Yi leave-taking, in a hurry Be returned to to a house, arrange everything, time do these, his corner of mouth is tiny to raise, the mood after being strange to all arrange well, just appropriate grasps that hair and unexpectedly starts thinking of since her.

When two escaped experience, and set up shop before having, often see to the market, this time, the Mo white is walked in the dawn, turned into an an alley from the avenue, arrived at particularly before rushing through Lin San Ge of the wagon family, knock on door, explain purpose, soon rented the wagon of their house, follow she points of direction, go toward north, city but go, go straight to a cloud city.
Sit on the wagon, she is after death jittery, ever and anon stretch out head to see, straight officer’s way, the willow is green, 3322 pedestrians or occasionally mutually to but lead of wagon, everythings all seem to be very as usual, slowly, she just trusts.Start seeing the landscape see pedestrian, Mo white most like to see of is that kind of the person who rides donkey is slowly and longly very pleasing.
Went for a morning, till the time that one gathers city, when the Mo white comes out to have a meal rest stretch neck to again took a look a behind, person come and go, and no one notice her, even no one sees toward her, she isn’t loosenned tone by ground, again some lose, why so smooth this time?Or in thin settle to really let go?Be really so, also haven’t not good, although, the heart still has a little disappointed if lose.
She was the store on the town to buy somejordan 7 essential things after with avidity once using lunch and arrived ready-to-wear clothes to spread to buy 23 sets of slightly old men’s wear again, again buy hold water of bottle gourd and some baked wheat cakes, then just sit to get on the car one to downwards gather city to rush through.
Car of jolting, more and more hot car compartment, the Mo white is simply to uncover car Lian, hang in the car to take over, the wagon runs and brings several silk cool breezes, she is hot to open mouth to keep sticking out tongue, see while passing by a small village the dog of village shade under a tree is this character of, she hurriedly shuts mouth and infuses one big saliva.
She is continuously to drink water, keep seeking water of well kick, keep seeking place convenience, in addition to not in power, is in the generally bushy tree bushes, right on the spot solution, arrive the next village, again see a dog lift a hind legs, urine the time under the tree, she already thoroughly have no language, self-ridicule but again upsetly think:"I indeed as expected have in the sky to do a dog~~"
Because she keeps tossing about on the road, haven’t arrived next gather city, the sky is in the sky getting blacker, hanging for a circle month so much, the Mo white sat out and looking at the circle of sky what heavy star feel and still have a little a poetry painting idea for month, just the wagon drove into a big pit and violently jolted don’t hold tight any thing of she jilted to go out and fell on one’s backly fall off in the officer’s paddy field at the side of way, she distressly climbs, the whole body mire whole body water~, even the hair was also stained with a lot of mires~
Lin San Ge see her several eyes, roar with laughter, after a while just endure to smile to say:"The young lady is wellto fall off in the paddy field so much, not painful can’t harm, either, wipe, is rushing through so much, don’t arrive half of two-hour period, can arrive next gather city."
The Mo white tooks a look the brook of distance not, the river bank is a very airtight reed cluster, took a look Lin San Ge again, the appearance of faithful honesty, then account at heart to say:"I go to and wash in river, three elder brothers help me watch over good!"

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"Greatly in the evening of, careful watercheap jordan shoes snake."Lin San Ge’s face a red helplessly give repeated advice to a way.
The Mo white attends to not ascend the mire of whole body, by leap and bound climb wagon, be alongside of him to sit on the car, by hand and tightly hold tight a car frame again, say to him:"That ……the female kid Be inconvenient to wash in the outside, or hurriedly walk faster."
Once Lin San Ge smile and raise horsewhip and"drive" ground a , rush through before going toward.
The Ai arrives next gather city, the Mo white is also no matter to not is to ask for person’s attention while living into the only an Inn, an up the building and a guest room of commonness, say with Lin San Ge:"I return to building first to wash face and comb hair, each have each supper, tomorrow together will debt."
At small two of lead under, she returns to guest room, hot water, stand to wait hot water to beat good after, again to small two say:"Send to rice for me to come over, will grow bean Cape to stir-fry meat and water convolvulus, deliver, if knocking on door me didn’t open the door, put outside the door."
Is small two should voice the bottom went to, she stripped naked and steep at warm up of Shui-li, after small and softly cleaning, again picked up flank in advance put of hot water, from the beginning kept on hurtling, again wipe clean wear dress, open a door, rice indeed as expected like, she starts to carry the tray of doorway and eats simple meal, is probably hungry hasty, all meals were eaten up by her, even the fat meat didn’t also leave~~
On the second day, time get up, feeling the whole bodies is all aching, again sit wagon, once the wagon move, feel that the whole body earthquake spread similar, pole and suffered, then Yang wear Lin San Ge put slow speed, result, than walk of person still slow~, she wanted to think, oneself is escaping a house, and then isn’t playing and endure unwell, let Lin San Ge speed speed.
The Mo white has spirit to have no dint ground to sit in the wagon, for don’t bear painful of she to say, all want than any tortures difficult endure, she grinds teeth to bear with, until bite blood, just release, open mouth to keep pant~, is really very painful~
Is later on as well such again, arrive to the time of a cloud city, is already after two days, this is a frontier city, two country mus border on amity and trade mutually at this time, there of gather city, mostly with thing easy thing, but is a south to come to north to of company’s guest swarm about most of place, Lin San Ge not think again send her pass, go to another nation, she also not force to do, paid carfare, again to gathered to buy in the city it is said that very young small hair donkey.
Took a rest after a night, the Mo white started riding donkey to walk the route of travel, donkey of world, the economy is practical, the key is that the statures isn’t high, and moderate, the Mo white rides up of time, very fresh, and feel very comfortabcheap jordans shoesdonkey, mood particularly of good, see the mountain see water, this hair donkey is docile, walk Wen Tun also, ride in the top, don’t need as well what technique.
More near frontier, more desolate, the wayside green mountain reaches to the sky, the ear often spreads a hallooing of bird of prey wild beast to blare low and walks in the place of carrying on the back the Yin, she feels the Yin is deeply cold, greatly terrified, cannot help but shivering.
She is left to see right to see, ex- see see behind, be have no pedestrian, only she one personal Gu zero zero grounds ride on the hair donkey, like at, for a long time after a long time, right against the face walked over two people, then again is long-last silent.
The imagination dint of the Mo white is still very abundant of and just use wrong place, heard formely of see of ghost story all come out come, clearly was a hot sun to be a head, but she felt to the bone icy cold.Formely in television see of the open country wolf bear tiger catches a little animal tore bite eat of lens also emitted out, her title tooks a look the sun and felt musted be careful liver tremble, nervously said 1:"The sun is thus of fine~" result, echo innumerable~~
She pulls bridle to press small hair donkey to walk quickly, but the small hair donkey don’t listen to hers, she had to by hand clap the bottom of clapping the hair donkey, but the small hair donkey didn’t feel, she with angry determination dismantle the small wood Zan on her own head and kept on stabbing, the small hair donkey looks up at sky long Si, fall off her ruthlessly at ground up.Good at, the statures of hair donkey isn’t high, she also has no how to fall off painful, however, this is tiny painful again plus frightened injustice, let she Ti tears long flow, cries while saying:"What fantastic of, don’t walk or not, also fall off me, you are what I spend money to buy, say again, your skin the thick meat is thick, will the wood hair clasp be painful just?"
The small hair donkey is total of come to say, is still obedient of, sign at first, listenned to her loquacious to finish, sprayed a blast of hot air, see to another place, seem is despise saw her.
The Mo white helplessly crumples to fall off painful place uprising and again admits defeat, all right, even the animal is also a dignity of, can not be maltreated, either~no matter how it is say, road or want to walk of, see the eye walks of than she slow hair donkey, she decides to lead long donkey to walk.
When she walks double the feet are piercing, arriving at a both sides is a crag, in the center is the valley of a path inside, she tooks a look a precipice crest, the granite stands up like a forest, feeling the scene like this is very familiar, in the Three Kingdoms, this is to beat to ambuscade of good place;In the knight errant, here am the good place that hides a mountain thief, she just secretly prays, never have the mountain the thief, never have the mountain the thief~
Result, the dog blood still kept appearing, valley of time, three prime of life men guard in the street corner and said ancient constant mountain of that Heng for the prime of life man of head thief placard language:"This road is that I open, this tree is that I plant, want to from now on lead, leave to buy a road wealth!"
The Mo white looking at the big machete that he carries on the shoulder on the shoulder, the white Ren of anti- knife reflects of the light shine on of her eyes all can not open, the legs deliver soft but the dog leg ground say:"Three astute and courageous eldest brothers there is no tree here, the road isn’t also very good to walk, can don’t buy road of wealth?Etc. repaired road to accept again not very good?"
For the man of the head the momentary phrase is poor, behind a mountain thief says:"Is big …… elder brother, time rained two days ago, a piece of big rock blocked up road, is we pry open ……"
"To, this road is what we open, how, don’t want to hand over to buy travel expenses?"
"Three eldest brothers, the younger brotherjordan 11 arrives a woman without pubic hair country to look for in person, small took some silvers two, all give you, begs you to stay some travelling expenseses to me, not very good?"
Three mountain thieves were originally unfamiliar, a way ran into a lord that was good to humiliate, and the arrogant hundred percently said:"What are you bothersome?Is quick to take out silver, otherwise ……"say, Yang the knife in the Yang hand, result, that knife sinks too much and drop a while at ground up, he embarrassedly turned head to see an eye after death those two people of break into laughter voice, pick up knife, again bad the white ruthlesslying looking at Mo says:"Lo you so thin skin delicate meat of, don’t blame me to toward your neck, white the knife go in, the red knife comes out."
Mo white just is endured to smile, heard a behind that, and then returned to status, how again weak bandit, dealt with her still too simple, the small vegetables was 1 disc~
The Mo white knows actual situation ground to open package, silver all take come out, leave a 12 of, and some small ground silvers, eight other all give that takes the lead a mountain thief.
The wealth doesn’t expose white and all shows thief person and how can leave a silver for her again two?The human natures are all greedy, commit the crime for the first time while being the silver that they see a big tablet of frightened and the conscience discomforts all be missing and not only took away all of her silvers, but also need to search her body and see to still have some worth money things.
The Mo white just fears here, point the voice loudly appeal to the public to help, echo voice and her screech, surprised bird innumerable in the valley.

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Hear a crying for help of Mo white voice, two knoll thieves of behind walked to come over, a person Ye wore her a hand, and the eldest brother for taking the lead says:"Is stupid, the Wu lives her mouth."
The mountain thief of left hand side stretches hand Wu to live her mouth and takes the lead eldest brother to walk to come over and searches her body and touch a while at her chest up, a surprised, release a hand, took a look her, and then stretched handretro jordan shoes to come over, Mo white once the head be partial to and loudly call a way:"Sexually harass!"
"Is a miss?"The eldest brother asks a way.
The Mo white shivers to say:"BE!"
"Eldest brother, we didn’t the brothers Sas take a wife."
"Know, this matter, certainly first it’s my turn!"Loudly finish saying, and then ask her the way:"Miss does for me to press Zhai a madam."

"Bandit old woman?I don’t want, I got married, my house was mutually male at I behind, soon come right away."The Mo white really wants to cry now and early knows and stay to lie in a house Be given to thin make to order a daughter-in-law O.K. some, result, run is run, unexpectedly degenerated to do a bandit old woman, in the mind frightened of she again shouts loudly:"Help!"
Take the lead eldest brother to stretch hand Wu to live her mouth to say;"Do not call, I will treat yours well!"
The Mo white Zheng wears big eyes to looking at him, the in the mind has a little to in despair shake, and the tears came for the run off a while.
"Stop!"On riding a white horse, a white dress, the waist is a lance, a cold handsome big Xia, from the sky but decline, stepped brilliant colors auspicious clouds, save her.

Mo white spoony the sort ground stare at him and ride white the prince charming of the horse is still a big Xia, was really too wonderful!
"My Xing Zou also invited three brotherses to put this young man."
The Mo white takes advantage o a person unprepared, flounced the hand that the Wu lives her mouth, the horselaugh called a way:"The Zou big Xia Helps!"
Take the lead eldest brother to looking at for his a person, and don’t want to release the daughter-in-law whom this comes to hand, toughly say:"This is my daughter-in-law, she wants to run, and I just take brothers to grasp her to return to."

The Mo white eyes that haven’t done extrude a few tearses again:"Zou big Xia, they are mountains thief, also think strong rob me!"
The Zou breeze hesitated for a while and tooked a look her, and then tooked a look those 3 people, those 3 people kept noding, and the Mo white urgently wins to living Zhi:"Big Xia, you see the burden of ground, is that they robbed mine and turned over out worth money thing to divide booty~"
If the Zou breeze obviously believed her and dismantle the sword of waist to take in hand and cool-headedly say:"Are you yous to put a person and still come to grips with me?"
Take the lead eldest brother to see him thin and feeble high appearance, it is the person of emollient spirit to be different from, then rushed toward up, beaten on recruiting dash to the ground, fall on one’s back.Two people leaving , on seeing situation far from good, throw down Mo white and ran to run, that eldest brother a carp beat stand, have never waited to stand firm to also follow to run.
The Mo is white on getting a freedom, and sees bigair jordan 22 Xia, the excitement is excesssive, looking at flurried escape of those 3 people, excitedly say:"Zou the big Xia, the Zou hero, make track for ah, killed them to remove evils from the people!"

The Zou breeze saw leap and jump of her one eye, cold say:"In order to strengthen figure Xi force, the road sees gravamen and help another for the sake of justice, not is using is homicidal, those people since run, to their one more of opportunities are also okay, again have a next time, again send them to see an officer be, which is the ability literally homicidal?"
The Mo white is one Leng, E~this knight errant television that watch with her is different~the generally big Xia is that she is problem-solving, the homicide is also the matter that often has, hardly say to send an officer~
He looking at stunned of she, the good heart reminds a way:"Miss, a personal Gu body sets out very dangerous of, had better with family together!"
"I am Wu Xiao Bai, the Zou big Xia can call me small white."Finish saying, smile, small white much good, he is the chivalrous man of the white dress white horse, explain that they decree by destiny where~thought of here, the double eye emits red heart, orthoptic Zou breeze.

"Good …… , I am Zou breeze, big Xia two words you do me too much honor."
"Zou breeze~I call you Zou eldest brother like, do you want to go where?"Mo white smiling face the sweet stars eye is orthoptic he, but the in the mind is to smile to take out, Zou breeze, do I still catch breeze, dare the feeling is that the speed is quick, have no quasi- is light achievement to like.
Zou breeze ashamedly tiny turn a head:"I the jade for neighborhood just shows Feng to finish seeing teacher and wants to return to the in home of emperor’s city at present."
The Mo white loudly says:"Are you the person of woman without pubic hair country?Too Qiao, I the Gu body is one person, at the right moment make the city throw to kiss."Finish saying, see he Be tiny to turn a head, ashamed appearance, she just thoughts of, reserved, the ancients probably all doesn’t like too direct beauty.

The Zou breeze knits the brows not to talk.
The Mo incandescence feeling adulation ground says:"For person help throughout, let me set out together with you."
He tooks a look her appearance and orders, a speech not the hair ground ascended horse, the Mo white is a spool of the burden of the ground and learn him general, natural and unrestrainedly climb last small hair donkey.
But, this riding hair donkey really isn’t a natural and jordans for saleunrestrained matter, a winked effort, Mo white and Zou breeze to draw back a very long distance.
Mo white at after death and wretchedly call:"Zou eldest brother~etc. I!"In fact she also frightened, a person walks so strange hill path, afraid again meet a strong person, the small life doesn’t protect~as for is innocent, early have no, anyway, she isn’t really either to care~
The Zou breeze turns head and again knits the brows, his felling is to pick up a big burden, stood to waited she to rush through to came up at first, and the dispassion ground asked a way:"Will you ride a horse?"

"Can’t, " Mo white looking at Gao Chu Mao’s donkey a lot of horses and swallows to swallow saliva:"Horse too Gao Da Dun, falling off will kill a person!"
"Say so, you even the donkey can’t ride, either?"Finish saying, very whole looking at her by Xia ground, this hair donkey, although it is said a little bit old, be unlikely to walk so slowly.
"Who say to can’t ride donkey, it has been a day since I roded."
The Zou breeze is lightly unbearable a smile:"Will ride donkey?Ride donkey aller than walk slowly?"

The Mo white looking at his smiling face become speechless, he laughing appearance, and in thin settle similar and good-looking, thought of here, once the head jilt, how can thought of him?At present the most important is to hold tight at present this handsome and natural and unrestrained big Xia be~certainly, big Xia also non- perfect person, for example poisonous tongue?Say she rides a donkey ratio to walk slowly~
Zou breeze’s lookinging at doesn’t talk of she, sighed tone, once took the bridle on the her hand, let her hold firmly donkey saddle, then, he rides the horse stroll sort ground to lead long donkey for her.

On the first day, walk like this, the Mo white is very sorry and ashamed, feel sorry a somebody else big Xia~no wonder that the somebody else big Xia is all day long all smelly a face didn’t talk with her, so of walk method, really have the Ru generation the image of the big Xia~not only such, don’t arrive to small gather city, also pass night in the open in the Huang countryside Ling!On the second day, is as well such on the third day, have a little sorry and ashamed~
On the fourth day, the fifth day is slightly familiar, she just has a mood to ride donkey to see scenery and conveniently appreciates a handsome boy~~of~~figure~~.

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