
Solar panels as inexpensive as paint?

Solar panels as inexpensive as paint?

May 13, 2013 — Most Americans want the U.S. to place more emphasis on developing solar power, recent polls suggest. A major impediment, however, is the cost to manufacture, install and maintain solar panels. Simply put, most people and businesses cannot afford to place them on their rooftops.

Fortunately, that is changing because researchers such as Qiaoqiang Gan, University at Buffalo assistant professor of electrical engineering, are helping develop a new generation of photovoltaic cells that produce more power and cost less to manufacture than what's available today.

One of the more promising efforts, which Gan is working on, involves the use of plasmonic-enhanced organic photovoltaic materials. These devices don't match traditional solar cells in terms of energy production but they are less expensive and -- because they are made (or processed) in liquid form -- can be applied to a greater variety of surfaces.

Gan detailed the progress of plasmonic-enhanced organic photovoltaic materials in the May 7 edition of the journal Advanced Materials. Co-authors include Filbert J. Bartoli, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Lehigh University, and Zakya Kafafi of the National Science Foundation.

Currently, solar power is produced with either thick polycrystalline silicon wafers or thin-film solar cells made up of inorganic materials such as amorphous silicon or cadmium telluride. Both are expensive to manufacture, Gan said.

His research involves thin-film solar cells, too, but unlike what's on the market he is using organic materials such as polymers and small molecules that are carbon-based and less expensive.

"Compared with their inorganic counterparts, organic photovoltaics can be fabricated over large areas on rigid or flexible substrates potentially becoming as inexpensive as paint," Gan said.

The reference to paint does not include a price point but rather the idea that photovoltaic cells could one day be applied to surfaces as easily as paint is to walls, he said.

There are drawbacks to organic photovoltaic cells. They have to be thin due to their relatively poor electronic conductive properties. Because they are thin and, thus, without sufficient material to absorb light, it limits their optical absorption and leads to insufficient power conversion efficiency.

Their power conversion efficiency needs to be 10 percent or more to compete in the market, Gan said.

To achieve that benchmark, Gan and other researchers are incorporating metal nanoparticles and/or patterned plasmonic nanostructures into organic photovoltaic cells. Plasmons are electromagnetic waves and free electrons that can be used to oscillate back and forth across the interface of metals and semiconductors.

Recent material studies suggest they are succeeding, he said. Gan and the paper's co-authors argue that, because of these breakthroughs, there should be a renewed focus on how nanomaterials and plasmonic strategies can create more efficient and affordable thin-film organic solar cells.

Gan is continuing his research by collaborating with several researchers at UB including: Alexander N. Cartwright, professor of electrical engineering and biomedical engineering and UB vice president for research and economic development; Mark T. Swihart, UB professor of chemical and biological engineering and director of the university's Strategic Strength in Integrated Nanostructured Systems; and Hao Zeng, associate professor of physics.

Gan is a member of UB's electrical engineering optics and photonics research group, which includes Cartwright, professors Edward Furlani and Pao-Lo Liu, and Natalia Litchinitser, associate professor.

The group carries out research in nanphotonics, biophotonics, hybrid inorganic/organic materials and devices, nonlinear and fiber optics, metamaterials, nanoplasmonics, optofluidics, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), biomedical microelectromechanical systems (BioMEMs), biosensing and quantum information processing.

TAG:Solar Energy Graphene Energy Technology Energy and the Environment Renewable Energy Geochemistry



郭祥忍作水洞高山石双兔钮扁章,福建东南2013春拍拍品 郭祥忍作水洞高山石双兔钮扁章,福建东南2013春拍拍品 郭祥忍作元和洞杜陵晶石松鼠钮对章,福建东南2013春拍拍品 郭祥忍作元和洞杜陵晶石松鼠钮对章,福建东南2013春拍拍品 水洞高山桃花洞石素章,福建东南2013春拍拍品 水洞高山桃花洞石素章,福建东南2013春拍拍品

  本报讯 进入5月之后,各大拍行纷纷迎来了春拍盛事,筹备已久的春拍成功与否,是业内最为关注的话题.作为福建拍卖行业的领头企业,福建东南拍卖将于2013年5月26日在福州香格里拉大酒店正式举槌,届时一共四个专场,分别为当代工艺精品专场、茶道具专场、寿山石雕精品专场以及寿山石雕珍品夜场,值得广大收藏爱好者密切关注.











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清嘉庆“嘉庆御笔之宝”交龙钮碧玉宝玺 清嘉庆“嘉庆御笔之宝”交龙钮碧玉宝玺 清乾隆 御制白玉交龙钮“自强不息”宝玺 清乾隆 御制白玉交龙钮“自强不息”宝玺 清乾隆 青花粉彩缠枝花卉开光梅菊图御制诗文柿蒂耳瓶 清乾隆 青花粉彩缠枝花卉开光梅菊图御制诗文柿蒂耳瓶

  中国嘉德2013春拍5月12日进入第三天,晚8点开拍的“御制—宫廷重要瓷器工艺品”备受关注,众多藏家到场竞拍,最终该场成交1.62亿元.其中,两方御制宝玺受到追捧,“清乾隆 御制白玉交龙钮‘自强不息’宝玺”经过十余轮激烈竞争以6670万元摘得桂冠;“‘嘉庆御笔之宝’交龙钮碧玉宝玺”则以3450万元位列第二.

  “清乾隆 御制白玉交龙钮‘自强不息’宝玺”,制于乾隆五十四年十月至十二月,专为次年乾隆帝八十万寿所特制,据《内务府造办处活计档》载,此方玺乃八套组宝之一,是主宝"八征耄念之宝"之副宝、乾隆御笔的压角章.《乾隆宝薮》对其有明确著录,对比可知,该玺无论印材的质地、大小,还是印文的篆法、布局都与书中的著录相吻合.玺玉质凝润莹白,纯腻细致.交龙钮精雕细琢,非超凡之工不能成.龙首刻画细致,圆眼长须,龙嘴齐平,阴刻鳞纹,神态威猛张扬,给人以威严大气、稳重肃穆之感.其构思之巧、雕琢之妙,可谓匠心独运.印面方形,雕琢抛光一丝不苟,平面打磨平滑如镜,阴刻篆书"自强不息"四字,布局工整,严谨规范,法度自然.流传纪录显示,此玺曾为法国著名收藏家爱米尔•吉美(Emile Guimet,1836-1918)宝藏.爱米尔•吉美是法国里昂工业家、收藏家,吉美亚洲博物馆的创始人.他在20世纪初于巴黎著名古董商Galerie Langweil处购得此玺,并将之作为其在博物馆外的个人收藏.当拍卖师报出3200万起拍价后,即有数位藏家响应,价格在短时间内迅速攀升,最终以6670万元被一位电话委托藏家收入囊中.

  另一方 “‘嘉庆御笔之宝’交龙钮碧玉宝玺”体量硕大,气势恢宏.作为嘉庆钤印其御笔墨宝之御书用玺,在《嘉庆宝薮》中亦有明确记载.采和田青玉,不惜耗材精雕细琢而成,玉质致密温润,入手细腻,温润通透,交龙钮神龙挺胸,龙首微昂,凛然神威.印面呈方形,篆书“嘉庆御笔之宝”六字阳文,刻工精湛,布白严整,字型略长,大气煌煌.钮系黄色丝绶保存完好,绶穗头部的纹饰及固定打结的方法也与清代大型皇帝宝玺的做法一致,充分展现了皇室制器难以企及之恢弘精湛.最终,该宝玺以3450万高价易主.

  此外,同场中,“清乾隆 青花粉彩缠枝花卉开光梅菊图御制诗文柿蒂耳瓶”,起拍价仅为450万,随后数位场内和电话委托藏家不断加价,当加价至730万时,有藏家直接报出1000万,随后价格还是持续攀升,最终,经过数十轮的激烈竞价,以2702.5万高价成交.该作采乾隆朝新创高档御瓷造型,书高宗皇帝亲作御题诗,运用极为少见的青花粉彩技法,并装饰独一无二的柿蒂形双耳,工艺水平登峰造极,意义、档次更是非比寻常,无疑为常伴君王并深受垂爱的心头之物.瓶腹所饰咏梅、咏菊御题诗及梅菊图,另见于故宫珍藏嘉庆帝为太上皇乾隆特意烧制的贺寿之器中,足证此作在乾嘉时期的重要地位.



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High-performance set-top box SoC supports high-end Android-based IPTV

High-performance set-top box SoC supports high-end Android-based IPTV

STMicroelectronics says that the company’s Orly system-on-chip (SoC) is now powering a new generation of advanced set-top boxes introduced by NTT Plala Inc., a leading Internet / IPTV service provider in Japan.

The STB has been developed by Sumitomo Electric Networks, Inc., a major Japanese equipment producer for home entertainment and broadband service providers, with operations around the world.

ST’s Orly was selected as the high-end SoC best fit for Sumitomo’s global set-top box middleware platform based on Linux, Android Ice Cream Sandwich and HTML5. In particular, the Orly’s dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore processor allows the set-top boxes to run the Android operating system and so connect easily to new marketplaces including mobile ecosystems. The integrated ARM Mali 3D graphics processor has allowed Sumitomo to create a rich user interface for Android-based services.

By integrating a dedicated real-time multimedia processor, multi-standard video decoding engines, and high-performance video encoding with support for HD and 3DTV standards, ST’s Orly provides the ideal platform enabling operators to deliver high-quality, innovative broadcast and Internet-based services. Its high processing capabilities enable fast transcoding for true multi-screen experiences on PCs, televisions, tablets and mobile devices throughout the home.

Other important features include a high-performance security engine supporting the latest conditional access specifications and Digital Rights Management (DRM) for IPTV, OTT (Over-The-Top) and multi-screen, multi-room services with DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance), ST’s proven Faroudja video-enhancement technology, media and data-driven applications, and support for Internet video standards.

ST’s Software Development Kit (SDK), created specifically for the SoC, supported Sumitomo’s efforts to simplify and accelerate the development of smart IPTV set-top boxes. The SDK provides components and tools needed to run Android on the set-top box and integrate proprietary IPTV middleware, while also supporting rich user-interface development leveraging native Android tools.

“By offering new smart IPTV STBs, we enhance user interface operability and deliver triple-tuner functionality,” said Katsumi Nagata, Board Director, Executive Director, Technology and Engineering Division, NTT Plala Inc. “By supporting Japan’s first cloud game called ‘Hikari TV Game’ and various applications called ‘Hikari TV Apps’, we are offering more convenient smart TV services that perfectly fit the lifestyle of our customers.”

Hiroaki Nishimoto, Director & Co-CTO, Sumitomo Electric Networks, Inc., said: “The new generation of our StreamCruiser SmartTV common STB platform middleware allows our customers to choose the SoC that is best suited for the strategic positioning and expected use-case of the STB, since our solution is independent of the architecture of the SoC while providing the APIs to allow Android, native Linux and HTML5 applications the secure access to the hardware engines and optimized usage of the multi-core.”

Visit STMicroelectronics at www.st.com

This article originally appeared on EE Times Europe.

TAG:set top box SoC Internet IPTV

Bluetooth low energy temperature sensor platform offers low cost smart monitoring using a smartphone

Bluetooth low energy temperature sensor platform offers low cost smart monitoring using a smartphone

Hong Kong-based National Electronics & Watch Co. Ltd has announced a Bluetooth low energy temperature sensor platform could reduce the cost of installing smart ambient temperature monitoring networks into homes and commercial buildings by using the simplicity of a smartphone.

Called the 'BlutolTemp Thermometer', the product will allow anyone that owns a smartphone with the latest version 4.0 of Bluetooth (that includes Bluetooth low energy/Bluetooth Smart as a hallmark feature) to set-up and use a wireless smart temperature monitoring network of up to 10 continuously monitored sensors within minutes that can continuously collect, store, and display temperature data on a smartphone app.

Nordic Semiconductor’s nRF8001 offers class-leading ULP performance and size to enable each NEWCO Bluetooth low energy temperature sensor to run for over one year from a regular CR2032 coin cell under typical usage conditions (10s updates) while featuring a slim (0.8cm-thick) and compact (3.5 x 2.4 cm) plastic sensor housing that is water resistant to 10 m (1 atm) and weighs less than 1/3-oz (9g).

"One of the most challenging parts of developing this solution was achieving the 10 m water resistance in such a small form factor," comments Alfred Ma, Chief Engineer at NEWCO who helped develop the BlutolTemp Thermometer. "We had to draw on our company's heritage in watch making since 1975 and focus on getting all the parts to fit together with high precision in order to maintain a hermetic seal - including a battery compartment that can be easily opened by the end user."

"Until now consumers and commercial organizations wishing to employ a smart temperature monitoring solution to, for example, minimize energy and heating consumption, would have had to look at some kind of costly ZigBee based platform that would have required professional installation," adds Jackson Chan, Assistant Sales General Manager at NEWCO. "In contrast, our solution is 'Plug&Play', likely to retail for as little as $20-30 per sensor, and can be installed quickly and easily by the end users themselves without specialist training or equipment beyond having a Bluetooth v4.0 compatible smartphone."

NEWCO is actively looking for partners interested in developing branded product solutions based on its BlutolTemp Thermometer platform.

Visit Nordic Semiconductor at www.nordicsemi.com

This article originally appeared on EE Times Europe.

TAG:Bluetooth low energy temperature sensor platform smart home smartphone

Spurred by Google Glass, IHS Forecasts nearly 10 Million smart glasses to ship from 2012 to 2016

Spurred by Google Glass, IHS Forecasts nearly 10 Million smart glasses to ship from 2012 to 2016

Initiated by the arrival of Google Glass and magnified by Google's efforts to promote application development for the product, the global market for smart glasses could amount to almost 10 million units from 2012 through 2016, according to IMS Research.

Shipments of smart glasses may rise to as high 6.6 million units in 2016, up from just 50,000 in 2012, for a total of 9.4 million units for the five-year period, according to an upside forecast from the market research firm. Growth this year will climb 150 percent to 124,000 shipments, mostly driven by sales to developers, as presented in the high-end outlook in the attached figure. Expansion will really begin to accelerate in 2014 with the initial public availability of Google Glass, as shipment growth powers up to 250 percent, based on the optimistic forecast.

Smart glass products like Google Glass are wearable computers with a head-mounted display. Google Glass this month began shipping to application developers who registered as early backers and paid the $1,500 price tag. This is expected to spur innovations in applications that should take Glass from early adopters to the mass market. As the developers get to work and Google encourages venture capitalists to back them, shipments will begin to surge to high volumes, according to the upside forecast.

However, the success of Google Glass will depend primarily on the applications developed for it. If developers fail to produce compelling software and uses for the devices, shipments could be significantly lower during the next several years.

“The applications are far more critical than the hardware when it comes to the success of Google Glass,” said Theo Ahadome, senior analyst at IHS. “In fact, the hardware is much less relevant to the growth of Google Glass than for any other personal communications device in recent history. This is because the utility of Google Glass is not readily apparent, so everything will depend on the appeal of the apps. This is why the smart glass market makes sense for a software-oriented organization like Google, despite the company’s limited previous success in developing hardware. Google is betting the house that developers will produce some compelling applications for Glass.”

The glass is half full
According to the optimistic scenario, developers will succeed in producing augmented reality applications for smart glasses that provide the user with information that can be safely and conveniently be integrated into casual use. Such applications typically are known as augmented reality, which involves adding a layer of computer-generated data to real-world people, places and things.

“The true success of Glass will be when it can provide some information to users not apparent when viewing people, places or things,” Ahadome said. “This information may include live updates for travel, location reviews and recommendations, nutritional information and matching personal preferences, and previous encounters to aid decision making. The upside for smart glasses will arise when they become a powerful information platform. In many ways, this is exactly what Google already does via other mediums, and also is why the upside scenario seems more likely.”

Broken glass
Under a more pessimistic scenario, IHS forecasts that only about 1 million smart glasses will be shipped through 2016. According to this outlook, applications for smart glasses will be limited to some of those already displayed by Google in its Glass marketing. These include scenarios where smart glasses become more of a wearable camera device than a true augmented reality system. In this case, smart glasses will be mainly used for recording sports and other non-casual events, like jumping out of a plane, as demonstrated at the Google I/O developer conference in 2012.

However, Glass will face competition from alternative wearable camera devices already in the market, such as GoPro Hero or Recon MOD Live. While the wearable camera market was worth more than $200 million in 2012, it is not the multibillion-dollar market that smart glasses can achieve with wider applicability.

“The less frequently consumers interact with any personal communications device, the less valuable it becomes,” Ahadome observed. “If smart glasses become devices that are used only occasionally, rather than all the time, they become less attractive and desirable to consumers.”

Visit IHS at www.ihs.com

This article originally appeared on EE Times Europe.

TAG:Google Glass smart glasses forecast IMS research

Group backs publish/subscribe open protocol for M2M messaging

Group backs publish/subscribe open protocol for M2M messaging

Organizations from around the world are collaborating on a lightweight reliable messaging transport protocol for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) connections and Internet of Things (IoT).

The new Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) Technical Committee will develop a standardized version of the MQTT protocol based on technology from Eurotech in Italy. The group includes Cisco, Eclipse Foundation, Eurotech, IBM, Kaazing, M2Mi, Red Hat and Software AG as part of the OASIS open standard consortium.

MQTT is a publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol optimized to connect physical world devices and events with enterprise servers and other consumers. It is designed to overcome the challenges of connecting the rapidly expanding physical world of sensors, actuators, phones, and tablets with established software processing technologies.

“MQTT is well suited to underpin the world of M2M/IoT and mobile applications where resources such as bandwidth and battery power are at a premium. It is an extremely lightweight, simple yet reliable protocol, designed for use where small code footprints are often advantageous,” said Richard Coppen of IBM, who co-chairs the new OASIS MQTT Technical Committee, along with Raphael Cohn.“At OASIS, we’ll be addressing IoT data flow challenges and other issues that have been identified by the community,” said Cohn. “We’ll broaden the range of enterprise solutions by enabling integration with business applications and expanding connectivity to different types of networks and remote devices.”

MQTT is already implemented across a variety of industries and applications. For example, MQTT has been used in sensors communicating to a broker via satellite links, over occasional dial-up connections with healthcare providers (medical devices), and in a range of home automation and small device scenarios. MQTT is well suited for mobile applications because of its small size, minimized data packets, and efficient distribution of information to one or many receivers says the group.

“The M2M industry will need to adopt technology based on open standards and open source implementation to ensure widespread adoption. MQTT is well on its way to being a key standard for M2M applications. We are happy to be involved in the OASIS MQTT standardization process and host the MQTT reference implementation in the Eclipse Paho project,” said Mike Milinkovich. Executive Director of Eclipse Foundation.

The MQTT specification has been contributed to the OASIS MQTT Technical Committee by IBM and Eurotech, authors of the original version of the protocol. “We are excited to encourage further adoption of the MQTT protocol, which has the potential to simplify Internet of Things applications and services," said Giampietro Tecchiolli, CTO and Executive VP at the Eurotech Group. "Connecting distributed devices using this efficient and elegant protocol offers companies flexibility to integrate disparate data sources like intelligent devices and sensors into enterprise IT landscapes, to deliver truly useful and actionable information that drives business decisions.”

“We applaud IBM and Eurotech for bringing MQTT into the OASIS open standards process. Companies feel more confident about implementing the protocol when they can actively participate in its future,” said Laurent Liscia, CEO of OASIS. “We’re very pleased that the MQTT Technical Committee will operate the OASIS Non-Assertion Intellectual Property Rights mode, which will provide added reassurance for developers and promote widespread adoption.”

New members are encouraged to join the OASIS MQTT Technical Committee at any time. Archives of the work are accessible to both members and non-members, and OASIS invites public review and comment on the work.


This article originally appeared on EE Times Europe.

TAG:M2M messaging Message Queuing Telemetry Transport MQTT publish subscribe open protocol IoT

LED luminaires transmit data at high bandwidth

LED luminaires transmit data at high bandwidth

The Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI) in Berlin has further developed its broadband optical communications technology which utilizes standard commercial LEDs used for lighting purposes to transmit data. While hitherto data rates of up to 800 Mbit/s have been possible, the researchers succeeded in increasing this bandwidth to 3 Gbit/s.

According to HHI, the Berlin researchers developed new building blocks which under laboratory conditions achieve data rates of up to 1 Gbit/s. Since however in commercial LED products, three light colors are generated which can be utilized separately for the data transmission, the effective data rate sums up to 3 Gbit/s.

The institute did not elaborate on the properties of the new components. It however said that the modular building blocks are suitable for integration into existing wireless data communications applications; as an example the institute named car-to-x systems.

In general, environments where conventional electromagnetic wireless technologies could be unfit for safety reasons, could benefit from the technology. Examples could be hospital operating theatres, exhibition halls, manufacturing halls and the like.

See also /en/heinrich-hertz-institute-shows-broadband-communication-from-the-led-ceiling-light.html?cmpid=7&newsid=222907442

This article originally appeared on EE Times Europe.

TAG:broadband optical communications LED luminaires transmit data



  Tiffany & Co。(蒂芙尼)与华纳兄弟影业公司和Bazmark Film达成合作伙伴关系,成为 Baz Luhrmann(巴兹·鲁尔曼)导演的《The Great Gatsby(了不起的盖茨比)》的官方珠宝商,为该电影专属设计多款珠宝及配饰臻品。蒂芙尼为这部根据1925年 F. Scott Fitzgerald(F·斯考特 ·菲茨杰拉德)的同名经典小说改编而成的全明星阵容影片专属设计创作了多款珠宝及配饰臻品,真实还原当时代风尚和奢华情调,令这一在时尚文化风云变幻、财 富迅速膨胀、歌舞升平的“爵士年代”中发生的故事更显生动华丽。

  175年以来,蒂芙尼一直是享誉全球的钻石权威并拥有举世公认的伟大设计传承。蒂芙尼与曾提名奥斯卡的知名导演巴兹·鲁尔曼和服装造型设计师 Catherine Martin(凯瑟琳·马丁)联手合作,自古董珠宝的设计中汲取丰富灵感,创作出一系列华美迷人的珠宝配饰臻品,镶嵌于铂金底座上的耀目钻石及光泽华美的 珍珠缔造优雅繁复的Art Deco装饰艺术风格,与当时代流行的着装风尚完美相衬。雍容华贵的服饰与奢华臻美的珠宝配饰交相辉映,令剧中演员仿若置身于昨日的奢华名流生活之中,在 旋律动人、节奏鲜明的爵士乐中于曼哈顿豪华公寓的顶楼派对与长岛宏伟庄园的夏夜舞会中徜徉流连。

  蒂芙尼的珠宝完美契合《了不起的盖茨比》的故事背景,F·斯考特 ·菲茨杰拉德本人就是蒂芙尼的忠实顾客,而且,蒂芙尼第一任设计总监 Louis Comfort Tiffany(路易斯·康福特·蒂芙尼)曾常常往来于纽约长岛的名流社交圈中,与小说里的描述如出一辙。 “这是一次天作之合。”蒂芙尼公司执行副总裁Jon King表示,“作为享誉全球的顶级珠宝商,蒂芙尼古董珍藏库中拥有诸多19世纪20年代令人叹为观止的珠宝杰作,以此为灵感我们为《了不起的盖茨比》这 一经典美国故事创作了多件独一无二的高级珠宝作品。

  ”影片的服装造型设计师Catherine Martin说,“那是一个奢华富足、高级珠宝盛行的黄金年代,蒂芙尼的古董珍藏库无疑成为我们回顾历史、寻找灵感的宝贵资源。蒂芙尼在卓越品质与超凡工 艺方面的辉煌传统延续至今,使得我们可以重塑甚至全新创作出珠宝配饰,来完美展现风华年代中这一经典故事的非凡魅力。”

  除珠宝配饰之外,影片中主角 Jay Gatsby(杰伊·盖茨比)家中陈设的精美瓷器、纯银餐具及其它装饰皆由蒂芙尼所悉心打造呈现。

  该影片由Craig Pearce根据F·斯考特 ·菲茨杰拉德的同名小说改编。奥斯卡提名导演巴兹·鲁尔曼亲自执导,以3D影片精彩呈现。全明星演员阵容亦备受瞩目:奥斯卡提名演员莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 (Leonardo DiCaprio)、托比·马奎尔(Tobey Maguire)、凯瑞·穆丽根(Carey Mulligan)、乔尔·埃哲顿(Joel Edgerton)、艾拉·菲舍尔(Isla Fisher)、杰森·克拉克(Jason Clarke)、伊丽莎白·德比茨基(Elizabeth Debicki)、阿米特巴·巴强(Amitabh Bachchan)强力联手,倾情演绎。

  该片制作团队阵容强大:Baz Luhrmann、Catherine Martin、Lucy Fisher、奥斯卡奖得主Douglas Wick和Catherine Knapman。执行制片人是奥斯卡奖得主 Barrie M. Osborne 和Bruce Berman。除了参与制片,两次奥斯卡最佳服装设计奖得主凯瑟琳·马汀还担纲了该片的服装设计师并联手蒂芙尼设计了该片中的珠宝配饰等。

TAG:蒂芙尼 珠宝 《了不起的盖茨比》 《了不起的盖茨比》蒂芙尼定制珠宝

Climate change will cause widespread global-scale loss of common plants and animals, researchers predict

Climate change will cause widespread global-scale loss of common plants and animals, researchers predict

Research published today in the journal Nature Climate Change looked at 50,000 globally widespread and common species and found that more than one half of the plants and one third of the animals will lose more than half of their climatic range by 2080 if nothing is done to reduce the amount of global warming and slow it down.

This means that geographic ranges of common plants and animals will shrink globally and biodiversity will decline almost everywhere.

Plants, reptiles and particularly amphibians are expected to be at highest risk. Sub-Saharan Africa, Central America, Amazonia and Australia would lose the most species of plants and animals. And a major loss of plant species is projected for North Africa, Central Asia and South-eastern Europe.

But acting quickly to mitigate climate change could reduce losses by 60 per cent and buy an additional 40 years for species to adapt. This is because this mitigation would slow and then stop global temperatures from rising by more than two degrees Celsius relative to pre-industrial times (1765). Without this mitigation, global temperatures could rise by 4 degrees Celsius by 2100.

The study was led by Dr Rachel Warren from UEA's school of Environmental Sciences and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. Collaborators include Dr.Jeremy VanDerWal at James Cook University in Australia and Dr Jeff Price, also at UEA's school of Environmental Sciences and the Tyndall Centre. The research was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

Dr Warren said: "While there has been much research on the effect of climate change on rare and endangered species, little has been known about how an increase in global temperature will affect more common species.

"This broader issue of potential range loss in widespread species is a serious concern as even small declines in these species can significantly disrupt ecosystems.

"Our research predicts that climate change will greatly reduce the diversity of even very common species found in most parts of the world. This loss of global-scale biodiversity would significantly impoverish the biosphere and the ecosystem services it provides.

"We looked at the effect of rising global temperatures, but other symptoms of climate change such as extreme weather events, pests, and diseases mean that our estimates are probably conservative. Animals in particular may decline more as our predictions will be compounded by a loss of food from plants.

"There will also be a knock-on effect for humans because these species are important for things like water and air purification, flood control, nutrient cycling, and eco-tourism.

"The good news is that our research provides crucial new evidence of how swift action to reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gases can prevent the biodiversity loss by reducing the amount of global warming to 2 degrees Celsius rather than 4 degrees. This would also buy time -- up to four decades -- for plants and animals to adapt to the remaining 2 degrees of climate change."

The research team quantified the benefits of acting now to mitigate climate change and found that up to 60 per cent of the projected climatic range loss for biodiversity can be avoided.

Dr Warren said: "Prompt and stringent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally would reduce these biodiversity losses by 60 per cent if global emissions peak in 2016, or by 40 per cent if emissions peak in 2030, showing that early action is very beneficial. This will both reduce the amount of climate change and also slow climate change down, making it easier for species and humans to adapt."

Information on the current distributions of the species used in this research came from the datasets shared online by hundreds of volunteers, scientists and natural history collections through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).

Co-author Dr Jeff Price, also from UEA's school of Environmental Studies, said: "Without free and open access to massive amounts of data such as those made available online through GBIF, no individual researcher is able to contact every country, every museum, every scientist holding the data and pull it all together. So this research would not be possible without GBIF and its global community of researchers and volunteers who make their data freely available."

TAG:Nature Endangered Plants Endangered Animals Global Warming Climate Environmental Issues

Non-inherited mutations account for many heart defects

Non-inherited mutations account for many heart defects

May 12, 2013 — New mutations that are absent in parents but appear in their offspring account for at least 10% of severe congenital heart disease, reveals a massive genomics study led, in part, by researchers at the Yale School of Medicine.

The analysis of all the genes of more than 1800 individuals found hundreds of mutations that can cause congenital heart disease, the most common form of birth defect that afflicts nearly 1% of all newborns. In particular, the study found frequent mutations in genes that modify histones, proteins that package DNA in the nucleus and orchestrate the timing and activation of genes crucial to development of the fetus.

The results of the study, part of the Pediatric Cardiac Genomics Consortium funded by the NIH's National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), were published online May 12 in the journal Nature.

"These findings provide new insight into the causes of this common congenital disease," said Richard Lifton, Sterling Professor and chair of the Department of Genetics, investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and a senior author of the paper. "Most interestingly, the set of genes mutated in congenital heart disease unexpectedly overlapped with genes and pathways mutated in autism. These findings suggest there may be common pathways that underlie a wide range of common congenital diseases."

"This is an important piece of the puzzle that gives us a clearer picture of the causes of congenital heart disease," said Gary H. Gibbons, M.D., director of the NHLBI. "What this international, multi-center collaborative research effort was able to accomplish, in a small amount of time, is truly remarkable. The state-of-the-art sequencing techniques that were used are allowing us to push the envelope and envision a day when we may be able to better treat and eventually prevent congenital heart disease in the early stages of heart formation."

The mutations can occur at the same site, and both increase and decrease the modification histone proteins, said Martina Brueckner, professor of pediatrics and genetics at Yale and another senior author of the study. The results suggest a very sensitive developmental system that might also be influenced by environmental factors in development.

"These findings point to fundamental mechanisms that play a role in a wide range of congenital diseases," Lifton said.

TAG:Heart Disease Birth Defects Diseases and Conditions Cholesterol Stroke Prevention Chronic Illness