
Solar Energy An Alternative Power Source That Has Been Around For Many Years-Replica Watches

An alternative power source that has been around for many years. It is one of our most plentifully form of energy yet still highly not being used used. Solar energy comes from the Sun. The Sun is needed for existences of all living things on our planet. The energy of the Sun is an ongoing study by scientists for its many potential uses.

With the cost of our utilities and fuels constantly increasing we are looking for a more economical way to fulfill our energy needs. The use of solar energy will greatly reduce the need of many of our fossil fuels. It is a much more safer form of energy than mining for coal or drilling for oil that have cost the unnecessary loss of lives. Solar energy is found in two forms. Solar photo voltaic energy panels converts the Sun's radiation to usable electricity. Solar thermal energy panels collect the Sun's heat.

There has been huge concerns over the use of fossil fuels and its effect on our plant. Finding a cleaner source of energy is impertinent for our survival. Concerns over the greenhouse effect and the damages being done to our planets ozone layer. These changes have occurred by our dependency of the use fossil fuels. Solar energy is a clean reusable form of power.

We have come a long way since solar energy was first used. By the use of solar collector panels many major business have gone green. Solar collector panels are widely used throughout the world. The energy savings would be astronomical if all new homes built had solar collector panels. They now come in many different sizes and can be used to operate anything that requires some type of electric current.

Solar photo voltaic energy is used for electricity which can be stored by battery banks or the grid inter-tie. Batteries like those used to store electricity to operate a car till the solar cells in the battery expire. Solar cell batteries are used in a variety of products from watches to out door night lights. A big use for the solar cell batteries are in hybrid cars.

A most widely used method is the grid inter-tie. Where your solar power is tied directly into your home or business power grid. In this method on days when you are not needing the use of electricity it is being fed back into the power grid and your meter will run backward. Than when you do need it you draw it back out when the Sun is not supplying you with solar power. Some may choose to use a combination of both methods for storing their solar energy for electricity.

Solar thermal energy panels collects the Sun's heat in either water or an anti-freeze mixture. Solar thermal energy is used for space heating and water heating. These methods are used to heat your home or business as well as the hot water. Solar Thermal energy is stored using a thermal mass, water tanks or rock bins that hold heated air. Solar thermal energy panel collectors have three grade uses.

The low-temperature solar thermal panel collectors provides low heat of less than one hundred and ten degrees fahrenheit. One of the main use would be to heat a swimming pool. A medium temperature solar thermal panel collectors heat ranges are above one hundred and ten degrees fahrenheit up to one hundred and eighty degrees fahrenheit. Which would be used to heat a home or business hot water heater. High temperature solar thermal panel collectors start at one hundred and eighty degrees or higher. They are used by utilities or independent power producers to generate electricity to a power grid.

Solar Energy An Alternative Power Source That Has Been Around For Many Years

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