
Purse Hook - Tips On How To Make It-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

The purse hook or purse hanger, was invented to solve the age old question of where to put your purse . No matter where you are or what you do in life, as a woman you have the same problem as any other woman in the world, where to place your handbag or purse while you are eating out at restaurants. You can t place it on your lap while eating because it will surely get in the way and placing it on the floor is something that you shouldn t do because the floor is so dirty germs might get into your purse. In cases like this, purse hook hangers come in handy to make eating out a pleasant experience for women once again.

Purse hooks are made from a wide variety of materials ranging from the simplest stainless steel to the more expensive gold or silver. Some have gemstones as heads and they come in several styles and designs. If you don t mind spending a little bit of money, then you can have a made to order purse hooks which will be made according to your specifications. This is perfect for weddings or corporate functions like Christmas or trade conventions. If you are on a tight budget, you can buy cheaper purse hooks or you can make your own. Here are some tips in making a purse hook.

How To Make A Purse Hook Instructions

To start off it is best to find some pictures of purse hooks or handbag hooks by searching online such as using google.com/images. Once you have found the type of hook you want to make, prepare a list of materials you will need.

These materials will usually consist of a small metal rod (preferably stainless steel or zinc alloy) which you will be using as the hook, glue to attach the head to the hook (make sure the glue can be used for metal), cutter or saw for cutting and anything to make as the head of your purse hook.

Form the hook by bending the metal, making sure that the width between the ends measure 2.5 inches (approximately 6.5cm) to fit any table/bar.

Fix the head of the purse hook in place by applying glue on it and attaching it onto the hook. Allow adequate time for the glue to dry.

To make the ends of the hook smooth, file the ends down and make sure that everything is sturdy so that your purse will not fall when you hang it on your purse hanger.

Then finally you are done and ready to use your brand new purse hook. Purse hooks not only make a great personal handbag accessory but they also make good gifts for your family and friends. In addition, the purse hook will also help to solve your problem of where to put your purses or handbags at home as they can also function as closet or door hangers.

Purse Hook - Tips On How To Make It

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