
Does Putting A Hex On Someone Work?-Luxury Watches

What is a hex A hex is a spell for bad luck put on a person. Often it's not just for one bad thing but a lifetime of woe and despair. The hex might be called the evil eye, a whammy or a curse. The term hex is a Pennsylvania-Dutch derivation of the German word "hexen" which means to practice sorcery.

Many people associate hexes with gypsies and voodoo, regardless of whether the term got its start from the German language. Images of voodoo queens leaving a small bundle of herbs hidden in their victim's house or gypsies pointing a finger and declaring the recipient hexed are part of our world, via the cinema and television. However, those that put hexes on others aren't necessarily practitioners of either. Some are just people with a strong hankering for revenge, the primary reason for a hex.

As with most discussions on the occult, hexes and their viability are greatly debated. Some people believe that they work, but only if the person hexed knows that they had a hex put on them. In this case, it's the power of suggestion or the self-fulfilling prophecy. Others believe that all people have the power to alter matter and therefore control events. The advent of discoveries in quantum physics help to put their views into a more favourable light.

Albert Einstein created the hypothesis that matter is neither created nor destroyed, simply converted. E=MC2 is an equation most school children know, even if they don't understand it. E stands for energy, the M is mass and the C is the speed of light in a vacuum, what it takes to convert mass into pure energy. The formula represents the fact that energy and matter are really one. Quantum physics experiments show that when an observer watches an experiment, it changes the outcome. The proved that the observation has the power to turn a wave, energy, into particles, mass. So, why is it so difficult to believe that the mind of an individual doesn't also contain that same power

There was a study done in Washington, DC where hundreds of advanced yogi's meditated on peace in the city for one month. The result was a lower violent crime rate for the city. Dramatically lower than the average. Was this simply serendipity or did they have an effect Another study used a random number generator and two control groups. One group was supposed to will the generator to show x's and the other was to will it to show O's. The results showed a marked increase in x's for the group willing x's and O's for that group. Had they controlled the computer

If these studies are indicators of the potential, then hexes are possible. Ah, the law of attraction now comes into play. Whatever you focus on, you receive. Normally this means that if you think all is lost, you can bet it is but if you believe that good comes from something, you're also right. In the case of a hex, you focus on evil or a bad outcome for someone. What occurs With so much focus and ill intent, you need to watch out because it comes back to you. Many early religions that practice hexes and spells have the law of three fold. It simply means what you put out into the universe, in terms of spells or hexes, comes back to you only three times more lethal.

Does Putting A Hex On Someone Work?

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