
Bracelet Buddy - The Easy Way To Fasten Watches And Jewellry Items-Replica Watches

Trying to do up a piece of jewellery or a watch around your wrist is a occasionally an aggravating struggle as many of us know. It can be particularly difficult for anyone who suffers a form like arthritis or a disablement of the hand. Using any sort of appliance or tool that makes these straightforward but demanding tasks simpler is a huge benefit. The Bracelet Buddy is one such product.

Any arthritis sufferer will surely know that everyday tasks can be very demanding to manage. Countless will have developed chronic joint pain. Finger joint pain and stiffness together with swollen joints adds to the trouble. The loss of agility and the connected pain makes a mundane task such as opening a jar or more to the point fastening clasps on delicate jewellery sometimes impossible.

While many enjoy wearing nice-looking jewellery a wristwatch is often more of an necessary item rather a decorative one. The actual process of putting on a watch or bracelet is where many disabled persons struggles. We all know that when trying to thread a watch strap or close the clip on a bracelet you require three hands. You would require two hands to hold the piece ends and then the other to close and clip them. With a Bracelet Buddy you have that third hand present to aid you perform the task.

All the irritating fumbling is entirely eradicated thanks to the Bracelet Buddy. This delightfully ornate hand held device finished in a lustrous gold measures round seven inch in length and seems like a piece of jewellery itself. To operate it the user lays it along the length of the palm and places one end of the jewellery item into the plastic lined jaw clamp to secure it. There is no call to be worried that Bracelet Buddy will scratch or harm your jewellery, the jaws are strong plastic and will not mark anything. With the support of the device holding one end of your strap or bracelet it is straightforward to circle the other end around and secure it. This ingenious device is also perfect for fastening chains, necklaces and anything else that may otherwise be tricky to hold.

Light enough to carry in a purse or handbag it comes complete with a protective carrying case and complete instructions for simplicity of use. This isn't merely for disabled or hand arthritis sufferers. Anyone can make use of and find the Bracelet Buddy indispensable for lots of difficult everyday tasks. As gifts ideas go this will make a wonderful and welcome gift at Christmas, for a birthday or on Mother's day too.

Bracelet Buddy - The Easy Way To Fasten Watches And Jewellry Items

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